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Kochanska, G., DeVet, K., Goldman, M., Murray, K., Put-
nam, S. P. (1994). Maternal reports of conscience deve- Appendix
lopment and temperament in young child. Child Devel- RESEARCH CONSENT FORM
poment, 65, 852- 868. TITLE OF STUDY: Moral Development: A Proposal to
Kochanska, G. Forman, D., Aksan, N., & Dunbar, S. Examine Correlation Between Attachment and Morals
(2005). Pathways to conscience: Early mother-child mu-
tually responsive orientation and children’s moral emoti- INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this form is to give
on, conduct, and cognition. Journal of Child Psychology you information that may affect your decision whether
and Psychiatry, 46, 19-34. to say YES or NO to participation in this research, and to
Kochanska, G., Koening, J. L., Barry, R. A., Kim, S., & record the consent of those who say YES.
Yoon, J. E. (2010). Children’s conscience during toddler
and preschool years, moral self, and a competent, adapti- PURPOSE OF STUDY: The primary purpose of this stu-
ve developmental trajectory. Developmental Psychology, dy is to examine the relationship between insecure and
46(5), 1320-1332. secure attachment styles and the development of morals
Krettenauer, T., Murua, L. A., & Jia, F. (2016). Age-related in children, ages 5-9.
differences in moral identity across adulthood. Develop-
mental Psychology, 54(6), 972-984. PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED: If you decide to
Lapsley, D., & Carlo, G. (2014). Moral development at the participate, you and your child will participate in an in-
crossroads: New trends and possible futures. Develop- terview with the researcher in which two questionnaires
mental Psychology, 50(1), 1-7. will be completed. You (the caregiver) will complete My
Malhi, G. S., Byrow, Y., Fritz, K., Das, P., Baune, B. T., Child Questionnaire which contains 100 questions, and
Porter, R. J., & Outhred, T. (2015). Mood disorders: Neu- your child will complete the Inventory of Peer and Parent
rocognitive models. Bipolar Disorders, 173-20. Attachment, which has 75 questions. It will take approxi-
doi:10.1111/bdi.12353 mately 2 hours to complete the two questionnaires.
Muris, P., Meesters, C., Cima, M., Verhagen, M., Bro-
chard, N., Sanders, A., & ... Meesters, V. (2014). Bound to PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS: To be a part of this
feel bad about oneself: Relations between attachment and study, you must be either a child between the ages of 5-9,
the self- conscious emotions of guilt and shame in child- or the direct caregiver of a child that is participating.