Page 124 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 10
P. 124
Comment to
“A few words about pride
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In a profound expression of hubris, Frederick
Nietzsche exclaimed, “There cannot be a God
because if there were one, I could not believe Marie T. Hoffman (USA), Ph.D. is As-
that I was not He.” Pride, as Fr. Andrey Lorgus sistant Clinical Professor of Psychology
explains, merits both theological and psycho- (Adjunct) at NYU Postdoctoral Program
logical examination. In our response, we will in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis,
summarize Lorgus‘ essay on “pride”, and provi- Co-Director of Society for Exploration
de additional perspectives from psychoanalytic of Psychoanalytic Therapies and Theolo-
theory. We will then offer clinical commenta- gy, Director of Brookhaven Institute for
ry specific to the Christian narrative which we Psychoanalysis and Christian Theology,
suggest is embedded in relational psychoanaly- Co-Director/ practicing psychoanalyst
sis (M. Hoffman, 2011; L. Hoffman, 2014). and clinical psychologist at Brookhaven
Center in Allentown, PA, and was the
Synopsis and Elaboration 2006 Stephen Mitchell Scholar. In additi-
Theological and Psychological Perspectives on to journal articles and book chapters,
In Lorgus‘ “first saying” disparate views of pride she is author of Toward Mutual Recogni-
from theological and psychological perspecti- tion: Relational Psychoanalysis and the
ves, are described and contrasted. Historical- Christian Narrative (2011), and When
ly, theology has viewed pride as a cardinal sin, the Roll Is Called: Trauma and the Soul
and in its worst forms, a “denial of God.” For of American Evangelicalism (2016).
psychology, pride is a healthy expression of self-
esteem and self-worth. Lorgus asserts that the Lowell W. Hoffman, Ph.D. is a psy-
two positions are not necessarily antithetical; choanalyst, clinical psychologist, and
rather, they describe an original, innate dignity, Co-Director of Brookhaven Center in
which when injured, compensates defensively Allentown, PA, where he has provided
toward pride. psychotherapy to individuals and coup-
les for over 30 years. Dr. Hoffman has
Narcissistic Injury and Its Consequences contributed to the integration of Christi-
The “second saying” details the deterioration an theology and psychoanalysis through
of innate dignity through humiliation of one’s his publication of journal articles, book
existential worth. In psychoanalysis this is re- chapters, and as guest editor of the Jour-
ferred to as a “narcissistic injury.” As a protec- nal of Psychology and Christianity.
tion against depression caused by humiliation,
a person retreats to pride, a “manic defense” of
ego-inflation to deflect painful feelings.
Lorgus’ “third saying” details the consequences
of defensive pride in interpersonal relations. Klein called “envious attacks.” The prideful, in-
People reactively retaliate, and further humi- jured person then further withdraws into a self-
liate the injured person through what Melanie inflicted world of loneliness.