Page 99 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 99
Christian Psychology alive
distinct profession that has an important role in Conclusions
the healing process. That the church and psy- There is lack of awareness of Christian psycho-
chologists can work together for common goal logy as a field and most church leaders had not
and is valuable in its own right. Humans are heard of the discipline. This then suggests the
comprised of the body, soul and spirit. The role need for awareness raising of Christian psy-
of the church is thus to nurture and grow the chology and its benefits. This also presents an
human spiritually more than psychology can; opportunity to tertiary institutions that offer
while not neglecting the healing of the body training in psychology to additionally offer
and the soul. God’s sovereignty may use psy- Christian psychology as a qualification, noting
chologists to bring healing and psychologists’/ that over 80% of South Africans are Christians
scientific knowledge and wisdom is from God. and would find such a qualification and services
The other camp strongly feels that psychology useful.
is scientific and does not acknowledge God and
spirituality, thus offering temporary solutions Many churches provide counselling services to
to human suffering. A great distrust of psycho- their parishioners in one way or another and
logy methods which are said to have little room there is an acknowledgment of the need to en-
for supernatural guidance and offer no lasting hance the skills of those providing the service.
solutions. Sentiments expressed were: “Instead Most of them do not know where / how such
of going to God for answers, psychologists of- training can be accessed. Even at lay-counsel-
ten play God themselves”. “Psychologists push lors level a gap exists of providing training in
people down emotional routes they are not counselling skills to church counsellors.
ready to travel and end us causing more pain”.
Problems were described as resulting from sin The study also revealed that there is very little
and only repentance leads to lasting change in interaction between the churches and thus the-
people. re is no sharing of resources, knowledge and in-
formation. Each church seems to be struggling
Christian psychology as a field in psycholo- on their own to find solutions, train their coun-
gy was largely unknown among the respon- sellors, and implement counselling in whiche-
dents; however there were positive sentiments ver way they can. An opportunity also presents
expressed that a psychology practitioner who itself for churches to communicate with each
is guided by the Holy Spirit and conforms to other more and establish systems which they
Scripture norms can ensure holistic healing of can jointly benefit from e.g. Bible school cur-
troubled human beings. ricula, church member training across various
areas including counselling.