Page 23 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 23

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

             That’s the trunk. And I’m essentially suggesting   There are some conceptual issues that need to
             that Christian psychology recognize that there    be  clarified  here  -  which  I’m  sure  that  other
             is a “step three” which has for whatever reason   Christian psychology nerds will recognize - but,
             not  yet  been  included  in  the  canonical  state-  again, I don’t want to want to bore readers with
             ments, i.e., Eric Johnson’s notion of “maximal    the details!
             integration” or what I’ve called “deeply engaged,
             strongly perspectival” research. That would be    Werner May: Thank you very much, Russ. My
             the distinctively Christian branch of psycholo-   compliment about your seriousness, creativity
             gical science and applied psychology.             and courage.

             I  think  this  vision  of  Christian  psychology   Russ Kosits: Thank you, Werner. I’m so thank-
             would  be  inclusive,  incorporating  the  best  of   ful for the opportunity to share these ideas with
             psychological science and applied psychology,     you and wish you continued blessings on the
             and, with appropriate qualifications, all “views”   good work you do!
             of the relationship between psychology & Chri-
             stianity.  From  my  vantage  point,  our  journal
             publishes all three parts of the tree, though it
             would be unwise to publish empirical work that
             could just as easily appear in mainstream jour-

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