Page 26 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 26

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

             Paul C. Vitz                                           Paul  C.  Vitz,

             Comment on “On                                         Ph.D.  Profes-
                                                                    sor and Senior
             Christian Psychology:                                  Scholar,    In-

             An Interview with Russ                                 stitute  for  the
             Kosits“                                                Sciences,  Ar-
                                                                    lington,  Virgi-
                                                                    nia;  Professor

             Three  Cheers  for  Russ  Kosits  and  his  under-     Emeritus, New
             standing of a Christian Psychology. I have some        York  Univer-
             comments  and  a  proposed  friendly  enlarge-         sity.   (Ph.D.,  Stanford  University).
             ment by including some of the major Catholic           Dr. Vitz’s teaching and research is focused
             contributions to integration psychology , but I        on the integration of Christian theology,
             have, no real criticisms at all. Over and over as I    especially  Catholic  anthropology,  with
             read his paragraphs, I found myself saying “yes,       psychology.
             yes” and “hear, hear”.                                 Articles by Paul you can see here:
             To begin my comments, I think secular psycho-
             logy has already taken a major turn toward a se-
             rious openness to a Christian world view –but
             without  really  understanding  that  it  has  done
             so.                                               faith be included. Something that Kosits expli-
                                                               citly notes as relevant to the integration task.
             The move, well noted by Kosits and many others,
             to study the virtues and human flourishing by      Here the work of John Paul II on the “Theology
             major psychologists, both secular and Christi-    of the Body” and the writings of other Catholics
             an, is a move away from the old naturalism. This   on what has been termed “Catholic Anthropo-
             older understanding of science focused only on    logy” can be seen as contributions to the inte-
             the past and its assumed and measureable cau-     gration challenge.
             ses in the present. It was intrinsically only about
             determinism. By moving to study the virtues,      In this context we at the Institute for the Psy-
             psychology has moved to study our choices and     chological Sciences (IPS) have been actively de-
             our purposes. In short, psychology has moved      veloping an explicit and detailed Catholic/Chri-
             from  determinism  to  teleology.  In  doing  so,   stian model of the person with applications to
             psychological  science  has  expanded  the  mo-   psychology and psychotherapy. The Model is a
             dern understanding of science so as to include    group effort of our faculty over a period of more
             final cause as a cause- to readmit Aristotle, if   than ten years. Early versions and components
             you will. With this move, I believe psychology    of this IPS Model have been published and the
             will inevitably discover the need for an explicit   basic  theological,  philosophical  and  psycho-
             ethical and moral framework to truly address      logical rationale is now available from IPS. In
             the  nature  of  flourishing.  Also,  I  am  convin-  about a year we plan to have the whole thing
             ced this new trajectory will lead psychology to   available on line, free of charge. The IPS Model
             rediscover  the  need  to  accept  the  importance   is an example of what Kosits calls “transdisci-
             of the transcendent. These developments, and      plinary” since the model is rooted in theology
             there  are  already  early  signs  of  them,  should   and philosophy as well as psychology. It is also,
             they reach fruition, will allow ample room for a   I believe, an example of “maximal integration”
             Christian psychology.                             as proposed by Eric Johnson.
             I would also like to suggest that the work by Ca-  Very, very briefly, the IPS Model can be summa-
             tholics on the integration of psychology and the   rized as follows: The person has ten foundatio-
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