Page 205 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 6
P. 205

The XIII Symposium in Rome presented the
        Symposium     EMCAPP as a vibrant worldwide move-
                      ment. Such meetings provide a tremendous
                      opportunity for participants to develop pro-
                      fessional and personal relations within the
                      Movement, which are very helpful and have
                      a great positive impact on our practical work
                      back in our home countries. Moreover, the
                      discussions became more practice-oriented,
                      that encourages participants to have more              The EMCAPP Symposium in Rome was
                      workshops and have more time for profes-               for me an important event, associated with
                      sional dialogue. I would also like to note a           a lot of various impressions. The treasuries
                      remarkable increase in the general level of            of history, architecture, history of Christia-
                      lecturing and discussion. Finally, the Eternal         nity, masterpieces of art in the “Eternal
                      City with its inspiring atmosphere of Renais-          City” were for me like a cultural waterfall,
                      sance humanism seems to be a perfect place             enriching my soul. The friendly atmosphe-
                      for the collaborative work in pursuit of better        re (usual for our meetings) at the Symposi-
                      understanding of human nature.                         um and communication with friends from
                      (Maria Joubert, Russia)                                many countries was giving me hope, that
                                                                             Christian psychology can make its contri-
                                                                             bution to uniting people and understan-
                                                                             ding in the changing and complicated con-
                                                                             temporary situation. Our mutual prayer
             The 13th Symposium                                              for peace was sincere and really important.
                    of EMCAPP                                                I was very glad to meet new people, whom
                                                                             I did not know before. And I missed greatly
                                                                             our usual participants and friends from
          Rome, Italy, October 2th – 5th 2014                                Poland, who did not come to this meeting.

            Christian psychological models/                                  I  am  very  thankful  to  Francesco  Cutino
       explanations of psychological disorders                               who helped to organize our meeting in
                                                                             (Tatiana Kim, Russia)

               „EMCAPP is a place where science and faith meet. I had great time meeting Christians from diffe-
               rent parts of the world who make there goal in life to beautifully orchestrate faith and Psychology.
               Rome was filed with inspiring lectures, challenging questions, good food and relaxing atmosphere.
               (Jelena Sivulka, Serbia)

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