Page 207 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 6
P. 207
openness and mutual enrichment, leading to a
real prolific exchange.
While taking part in this symposium, I had the
feeling and the image of the authentic move-
ment that the Holy Spirit is making in the pre-
sent day Christian context, both cultural and
professional. A real touch of Divinity on the hu-
man soul so that it may have life, and have it to
the full. Yes, He who created man with a living
soul is willing to reveal to him, even in this tor-
mented confusing 21st century, that Knowledge Stefania Botez, Psychologist, specia-
and Experiencing that can uplift him beyond lized in systemic psychotherapy for
ephemeral spaces, beyond ashes and dust! couples and families, has been wor-
king in Christian counseling for more
than 10 years. She is the founding
member and currently president of the
Christian Counseling Association in
Romania (ACCR), and also a trainer
and supervisor in the SFCC (Forma-
tion School in Christian Counseling
inside the ACCR).