Page 204 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 6
P. 204
I am yesterday. You are today. So
where is tomorrow?
During the quarter of a century of
fellowship with friends in EMCAPP
I have learned three vital lessons:
1. Differences in our attitudes,
thoughts and experience are im-
portant – we should value them
and explore them for our mutual “The symposium in Rome was a
benefit. great time of inspiration. With the
2. Science and Religion are both Italian taste to it, it was so great to
man-made ways of exploring see friends and colleagues from all of
God and His creation. We are the world and learn from each other.
not dualists but recognise the Such events as symposium has a
importance of both the physical great value: it gives the strength to go
and the spiritual domains. on with your calling and be encou-
3. Shalom, wholeness and well- raged by sharing your plans, ideas
being are the goals of our efforts. and also challenges with others. I am
We must continue to develop sure God blessed each participant of
ways of treating the Whole Per- the symposium in a special and uni-
son in Healthcare. que way”
(Mike Sheldon, Great Britain) (Anna Lianna, Ukraine)
To be surrounded by Christian professionals from various European
cultures during EMCAPP’s 13th Symposium in Rome was profound-
ly meaningful to me. I was inspired to think deeply about various
topics that ranged from caring for the emotionally disengaged to
treatment for selected disorders. The Christ-like compassion for tho-
se struggling with mental concerns along with a commitment to sci-
entific excellence was more than evident in the presentations and
subsequent discussions. (Shannon Wolf, USA)