Page 34 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 34

Empirical steps toward a Christian Psychology

             te point of transformation, then the Christian    scale  ranging  from  1  (strongly  disagree)  to  7
             predictors for life satisfaction should have been   (strongly agree), with higher scores indicating
             significant for both conditions.                  higher levels of each self-construal.
                                                               The Relationship with God Scale is a 7-item sca-
             Participants                                      le that measures a general sense of one’s satisfac-
             In the present study we collected data from 155   tion with his or her relationship with God. Two
             participants, 91 females and 64 males, at a pre-  of the scale items are a modification of the scale
             dominantly  Christian  university.  Participants   items from Hendrick’s Relationship Assessment
             ranged in age from 18 to 59, 90% between 18       Scale (RAS, 1988). For example, the item “how
             and 29, with an average age of 23.4 (SD=8.2).     well does your partner meet your needs?” be-
             Participants were largely single, never married   comes “how well does God meet your needs?”
             (86%)  although  included  in  the  sample  were   The other items are used as created on the RAS,
             married (13%) and divorced (2%) participants.     the  difference  being  in  the  Relationship  with
             The ethnicity of the participants was primarily   God Scale instructions participants are told to
             Caucasian (89%) and included Hispanic (7%)        rate  their  relationship  with  God  according  to
             and African American (4%) participants.           the following items. The original RAS has been
                                                               shown to correlate with measures of love, self-
             Measures                                          disclosure,  commitment,  and  investment  in
             Life satisfaction is be defined as a global judg-  a  relationship.  Additionally,  the  RAS  exhibits
             ment  of  one’s  life.    The  Satisfaction  with  Life   good internal reliability (α=.86).
             Scale is an assessment based upon a compari-
             son of one’s life circumstances to one’s own in-  Procedure
             ternal criteria (Diener, Emmons, Larson, Grif-    After reading and completing a consent form
             fin, 1985).  Respondents were instructed to rate   participants completed a questionnaire packet
             each item using a 7-point scale ranging from 1    consisting of a Relationship with God Scale (re-
             (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).  Item   presenting a Christian worldview), an Indepen-
             ratings  are  summed  to  provide  a  total  score   dence  Scale  (representing  cultural  individua-
             ranging from 5 – 35 where higher scores were      lism), and an Interdependence Scale (represen-
             indicative of greater life satisfaction. Test-retest   ting cultural collectivism). At this point in the
             reliability for the scale has been reported at 0.82   questionnaire  packets  each  included  either  a
             for  a  2-month  interval.  Internal  consistency   mortality salience manipulation (experimental
             from  several  samples  has  been  reported  bet-  condition) or questions about the last two tele-
             ween α=.82 and α=.92.                             vision shows they watched (control condition).
             The  Independent  and  Interdependent  Self-      After either the manipulation or control, each
             Construal  Scales  (Gudykunst,  Matsumoto,        participant completed the Satisfaction with Life
             Ting-Toomey,  Nishida,  Kim,  Heyman,  1994)      Scale, received a debriefing about the study and
             measure  the  extent  to  which  individuals  see   was released.
             themselves  as  independent  and  unique  (in-
             dependent)  and  the  extent  to  which  they  see   Mortality Salience Manipulation
             themselves  as  interdependent  and  connected    Terror Management Theory (TMT) is based on
             to others (interdependent). Hackman, Johnson,     the idea that humans’ higher order intellectual
             Ellis and Staley (1999) have shown that inde-     abilities lead to an awareness of human vulne-
             pendent and interdependent self-construal are     rability and mortality, and that this awareness
             two separate factors, not two different dimen-    creates  the  potential  for  overwhelming  terror
             sions of the same factor. Both the Independent    (Rosenblatt,  Greenberg,  Solomon,  Pyszczyn-
             (α=.78-.86)  and  Interdependent  (α=.79-.89)     ski, & Lyon, 1989). Terror Management Theory
             scales show good levels of internal consistency.   “posits that cultural conceptions of reality serve
             The Independent scale consists of 14 items and    the vital function of buffering the anxiety which
             the Interdependent scale consists of 15 items.    results from awareness of human vulnerability
             All items are answered using a 7-point Likert     and  mortality”,  (Greenberg,  Pyszczynski,  So-

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