Page 39 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
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Empirical steps toward a Christian Psychology

             nal perspective, especially those related to the                           C. Eric Jones, PhD.,
             role of the Holy Spirit.                                                   Associate  Professor,
             Though a small study, the results bring to inte-                           Regent    University.
             rest the idea that we may not be incorporating                             Eric‘s  research  in-
             our worldviews into our thoughts and actions as                            terests  are  Positive
             much as we assume we do. To the extent this is                             Psychology,  Self  and
             the case further research should follow to com-                            Social Cognition. He
             plete the picture of this phenomenon. For now                              enjoys  reading  and
             it seems prudent to suggest that we should be                              writing  about  the
             more mindful of using of our Christian world-                              psychological    and
             view, practice it as much as we can and anticipa-                          theological  implica-
             te the day when our minds are actually changed                             tions of spiritual and
             – Mylon Lefevre would be so happy.                                         personal    develop-

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