Page 32 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 32

Empirical steps toward a Christian Psychology

             C. Eric Jones (USA)
             The Roles of Automatic and Conscious Thought in

             Worldview Consistency

             The opening line of the song More by Mylon Le-    eternity. It sees this life as an inconclusive expe-
             fevre is “break my heart and change my mind”.     rience, preparing us for another; this world as a
             These are simply but profound ideas to be sure    temporary place of refuge, not our true and final
             and hearing the song always makes me think        home.”
             of the ongoing process of sanctification in my
             own life. The Christian life is a continual move   Regardless of the centrality of a changed mind
             away from what I have been and toward what        in the Christian life, understanding a changed
             I should become, the likeness of Christ. Grenz    mind psychologically is a challenge. The above
             defines sanctification as “our cooperation with   partial description of the Christian mind clo-
             the Spirit in living out in daily life the regene-  sely  relates  to  the  concept  of  worldview  and
             ration, justification, freedom, and power which   the two will be considered synonymous in the
             is ours through conversion, so that we grow in    following  discussion.  I  will  also  borrow  from
             Christlikeness and service to God” (1994, pg.     Blamires a secular/Christian worldview distinc-
             440). A changed mind seems to be central to the   tion. The mind’s role in sanctification can now
             more complete change or sanctification called     be stated as attempting to substitute the newly
             for in scripture (Matthew 22:37) and based on     practiced and progressively forming Christian
             Romans  6:19,  Romans  12:1,  2  Timothy  2:21,   worldview for the established secular mindset
             and Hebrews 12:14 we have a role to play in the   of a Christian. Out with the old and in with the
             sanctification process.                           new, as it were. However, this substitution is not
             The mind’s roles in the acquisition and proces-   an immediate or instantaneous process.
             sing of truth and knowledge are paramount in      The human mind is composed of two systems
             the formation of new perspectives (Moreland,      or operates according to a dual processing ap-
             1997). These perspectives form the foundation     proach  (Kahneman,  2011).  One  system  is  ty-
             for the new patterns of living to which we are    pically referred to as nonreflective or intuitive,
             called.  Therefore,  a  life  of  transformation  co-  characterized  by  automatic,  effortless  proces-
             mes to those who humbly submit to the work        sing. The other system, the reflective, is charac-
             of the Spirit and habitually use their minds to   terized as slower, deliberate and effortful in its
             understand God’s world and live out His ways.     processing. Kahneman says, “Highly accessible
             Clearly, the development and use of a Christian   impressions by system 1 (the intuitive system)
             oriented mind is essential to our spiritual de-   control judgments and preferences, unless mo-
             velopment. It is unsettling then, when Blami-     dified or overridden by the deliberate operati-
             res (1963) questions whether or not we have a     ons of system 2 (the deliberate system)” (2011,
             Christian mind any longer. He sees the Christi-   pg. 716). In light of our current discussion of
             an mind as distinctly different from the secular   changed  minds,  it  means  that  until  the  new
             mind and consequently leading to significant-     and  deliberately  controlled  Christian  world-
             ly different outcomes compared to the secular     view thoughts become automatized, we cannot
             mind.  Note  the  specific  discrepancies  from  a   expect one’s thoughts and behaviors to be con-
             secular  mindset  or  worldview  mentioned  by    sistent with stated beliefs due to the overwhel-
             Blamires below.                                   ming interference from the automatized cultu-
                                                               ral influences that developmentally precede the
             “The Christian mind sees human life and human     Christian worldview. Understanding sanctifica-
             history held in the hands of God. It sees the who-  tion  via  these  systems  potentially  informs  us
             le universe sustained by his power and his love.   concerning the development of a transformed
             It sees the natural order as dependent upon the   mind  at  particular  points  in  human  develop-
             supernatural order, time as constrained within    ment. It suggests that a truly changed mind is a

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