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cess environment. Psychoanalyst and psychologist Mar-  would also be humanistic psychology with its redisco-
             tin Dornes (1997), according to Daniel N. Stern, descri-  very of holism, community psychology with its stron-
             bes babies as astonishingly competent in relationships  gly explicit value orientation, transpersonal psychology
             with their own preverbal relational “language” (called  with its rediscovery of
             the “schema of being with”). Because the mechanism of  transcendence  within
             transference relies on this pre-verbal abilities of the per-  psychology, as well as
             son, which are particularly suited to representing relati-  the ideas of Buddhist
             onship constellations and internal attitudes in people, a  psychology or positive
             detailed recording and analysis of transference in action  psychology, and even
             facilitates specific and holistic clearance of blame, and  attempts to establish
             thereby becomes a valuable aid in Phase II (settling up) of  postmodern construc-
             the Christian Psychology model. Infants can record ne-  tivist thinking more
             gative relationship experiences (that is offences!) in this  strongly in psychology.
             preverbal language, which leads later to relationship ex-  Christian  Psychology
             periences mirroring the original situation (Dornes 1997)  and all of these ap-
             and therefore containing holistic information about the  proaches have in com-
             suffered wrong (relation and attitude dimension in figure  mon their endeavor to
             3). In a specific experiential design of analyzing the trans-  research and analyze
             ference situation (as a mirror of the original not yet forgi-  aspects of the human  Wolfram Soldan, Germany, is
             ven experience) one can help a client in settling accounts  psyche that have not  a Physician, psychotherapist
             (phase II of forgiving) in a holistic way. Along these same  yet been studied in  and one of the main lecturers
             lines, the mechanism of projection was reformulated and  mainstream  psycho-  for clinical psychology at the
             newly fitted into forgiveness in the process model in such  logy.  But Christian  IGNIS-Institute. He worked
             a waythat theanalysis ofprojections canserve notonly in  Psychology takes these  two years in the DE‘IGNIS-
             recognizing one’s own faulty structures in the psyche, but  a step further as it as-  Hospital, about five years as
             also in detecting so-called “accounting to the wrong side”,  sumes the existence of  head of the former IGNIS-
             e.g., of blame that falls objectively on the side of another  the transcendent God  Therapy-Center. His main to-
             culprit, but which I have taken on as my own.     who has spoken to us in  pics include forgiveness pro-
                                                               his Word, providing in-  cesses, dealing with the Bible
             Summary of comparing                              sight into our psycholo-  in counselling and sexuality.
             In conclusion, here is a summary of comparing approa-  gy as he intends it to be.
             ches to forgiveness in Christian Psychology and main-
             stream psychology.
             1. The epistemological paradigms of Christian Psycholo-
             gy differ from those of positivism, humanism, and post-
             modernism, but they incorporate certain viewpoints of
             each of the various paradigms.
             2. The research methods of Christian Psychology are pri-
             marily the same as in secular psychology. However, qua-  Arnold, W., Eysenck, H. J. & Meili R. (1996). Lexikon der Psychologie
                                                               (2. Auflage). Augsburg: Bechtermünz.
             litative and other humanities-specific research methods
             are evident in this field, although a broadening in the  Baskin, T., & Enright, D. (2004). Intervention Studies on Forgiveness:
                                                               A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Counseling & Development, (82), 79-90.
             spectrum of qualitative methods employed will probably
             be seen in the near future.                       Bezadi, A. & Hermann, A. (2008). Gemeindepsychologische Forschung
                                                               und Praxis in der Diskussion – Theoriebildungsprozesse und For-
             3. By virtue of the reckoning with Godly revelations in  schungsimplikationen. Forum Gemeindepsychologie, Jg. 13, Ausg. 2.
             the written Word of God and also through a personal
                                                               Bohnsack, Ralf (2005) Standards nicht-standardisierter Forschung in
             relationship with God, the following can come about: a)  den Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften. Zeitschrift für Erziehungs-
             research questions which in secular psychology would  wissenschaft, 8. Jg., Beiheft 4, 63-81.
             not be posed at all, e.g., false mercy versus true mercy;  Buber, Martin (1994): Ich und Du (12th ed.). Heidelberg: Lampert
             b) differentiated definition-related characteristics in the  Schneider.
             constructs of secular psychology, e.g., the four-dimen-  Gassin, E. (2000). Are Christians Obliged Not to Forgive? A Response
             sional model of wrong or sin; c) an exposure of secular  to Martin (1997). Psychology and Theology, 28, 36-43
             constructs needing rebuilding, such as the construct em-  Davison, G. C., Neale, J. M., Hautzinger, Martin (2007) (1998). Klini-
             pathy, which in the typical secular formulation would not  sche Psychologie (7th ed.). Weinheim, Basel: Beltz
             fit into the forgiveness model, but was instead effectively  Delitzsch, Franz (1855). System der Biblischen Psychologie. (1. Aufl.)
             replaced with a considerably different formulation in the  Leipzig: Dörffling und Franke.
             construct of mercy.                               Denzin, Norman K. (2003). Symbolischer Interaktionismus in Flick, U.,
             4. Christian Psychology can possibly be classified in psy-  von Kardorff, E., & Steinke, I. (Hrsg.) (2003). Qualitative Forschung (2.
                                                               Aufl.) pp. 136-149 Reinbek: Rowohlt.
             chology historyalongside thevarious attemptsmade thus
             far to surmount the narrow epistemological pathways of  Dornes, M. (1997) Die frühe Kindheit – Entwicklungspychologie der
                                                               ersten Lebensjahre.
             scientific, positivist-oriented psychology. In this attempt  Frankfurt: Fischer

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