Page 6 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 6

Are you trying to penetrate all these aspects of        ryone undersands or wondrers how I can put
        your iden�ty with the Chris�an faith? How do            this together… but it comes down to the love
        you manage that? What are your experiences              of Scripture.
        with it?

        I have always loved the Bible. I grew up in the         About your pain�ngs: How you developed
        US, where Protestants were keen on learning to          this? What meaning does this have for you?
        read in order to read the Scriptures. I memori-
        zed verses in Sunda School, and then I returned         I started pain�ng as a child. Although I had a
        to Brazil, where I was born, and where un�l Va-         few lessons, I was in the youngster class where
        �can II, the Bible was forbidden reading to Ca-         they didn’t teach us techniques and it got bo-
        tholics. So I am using this art form to express         ring, so I quit. From there I pre�y much am
        Bible verses, something I never did before. I           self-taught. I love gouache, and now I have dis-
        love the Psalms and the stories of Jesus, as well       covered watercolor pencils. When I as in the
        as the stories from the Old testament.                  University, pain�ng helped me stay lucid. It has
                                                                always given me pleasure, but it was also my
                                                                therapy that kept me sane. It didn’t ma�er that
        Would you like to add something about your              pain�ng “didn’t make sense”. My soul under-
        Chris�an iden�ty?                                       stood and that was enough. I spent 20 years
                                                                without picking up a paintbrush, and a friend
        I am a sixth-genera�on Protestant in the largest        did a session with me that totally unblocked
        Catholic country in the world. Several genera�-         my crea�vity. From then I have kept pain�ng,
        ons of my family were considered ‘here�cs’ and          but the style changes from �me to �me. I love
        my grandfather was even disinherited by his             bright colors and abstracts. I was never really
        Italian Catholic mother for having married a            able to draw much at all, just paint. And like
        Protestant. I understood early in life that being       pain�ng, my life has been “outsaid the lines” of
        a Chris�an had a price tag.                             commonality. I’ve done things differently than
                                                                was expected of me at �mes, and like the ener-
        On the flip side, I am part of a genera�on of           gy of the bright colors, I ploughed through the
        Crypto-Jews who had had to hide their iden�ty           challenges. Amazingly, beau�ful structures
        for 500 years in church. My maternal grandmo-           came out of it. Pain�ng is healing. It heals the
        ther s�ll killed chickens the kosher way. So Je-        soul that can’t talk.
        wish love of Torah is in my very blood. Not eve-

   Solo exhibi�on “Reflec�on” at “The Balcony Gallery of “Jerusalem Theater” (2011)
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