Page 2 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 2
3 Editorial
4 The first twenty-one numbers
5 About the ar�st: Esly Carvalho (Brazil)
8 Around The World: The Contributors
The Importance of the Holy Spirit in Theory and Prac�ce for Chris�an Psychology
11 Laurie A. Tone (USA): You will be Called Repairer of Broken Walls: A Reflec�on for Chris�an Counselors
16 New: The free eMgazin Chris�an Psychology For Everyday Life
About Theory and Prac�ce
18 Miguel Ángel Alcarria (Mexico/Spain): The Transforma�ve Role of the Holy Spirit in Therapeu�c Healing for
the Believing Pa�ent: An Integra�on of Psychological and Spiritual Dimension
23 Comment: Monika Hess (Germany)
26 Johannes Haack (Germany): How the Holy Spirit orchestrates spiritual forma�on - Insights from Theology
and findings from Posi�ve Psychology / Wie der Heilige Geist geistliches Wachstum orchestriert – Einsichten
der Theologie und Befunde der Posi�ven Psychologie
54 Comment: Eric Johnson (USA)
58 Dana Wicker (USA): The Presence of the Holy Spirit in the counseling process with the client and counselor
62 Comment: Ulla Dahlen (Finland)
More about contempla�ve and spirituality aspects
66 Gregory Jensen (USA): The Three-Fold Ministry of the Holy Spirit
72 Werner May (Germany / Deutschland): The Three Levels of Ministry with the Gi�s of the Spirit / Die drei
Ebenen des Dienstes mit den Geistesgaben
84 Comment: Surma Pawel (Poland)
87 Katrin Kroll (Germany / Deutschland): Living and Working with a Friend - Wie sich Geistesgaben
herausbilden - / Leben und Arbeiten mit einem Freund - Wie sich Geistesgaben herausbilden
102 Comment: Walter Thiessen (Canada)
104 “Why would you describe yourself as a Christan psychologist?" Ques�ons to Michael Stra�ng (Canada)
109 A look back to the EMCAPP Symposium 2024, organized by ACP Poland, Warsaw, November 10th – 12th:
Spiritual Aspects in Psychology and Psychotheray
114 Next Number / About us
115 Seven Statements of EMCAPP