Page 3 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 3


             In the 1990s, the scien�fic director of the IGNIS Academy, Peter Hübner (†2003), wrote: “One
             must go somewhat deeper into the connec�on between science and view of the world,
             between psychology and view of man. Every science, but especially every science of man, is
             developed on the basis of a certain fundamental worldview, is incomprehensible without the
             view of man which provides its orienta�on. These connec�ons are not always clear to the
             observer of scien�fic results and discoveries, very o�en because the worldview behind it is
             presupposed as a generally accepted, self-evident truth. It is therefore more honest and
             sincere to start straightaway by specifying the worldview to which one is commi�ed in the
             �tle of the science. ‘Chris�an Psychology’ therefore simply reflects the admission that we, as
             Chris�ans, need a psychology that is embedded from the beginning in the Chris�an
             understanding of man and the world, in theory and prac�ce.”

             But Chris�an psychology is not only to be understood on the basis of its view of the world
             and man and its understanding of science, but above all by the living presence of God in Jesus
             Christ through the Holy Spirit. Not only do rules intrinsic to crea�on come into opera�on in
             an applied Chris�an psychology, but a living person - the omnipotent, omnipresent,
             omniscient trinitarian God, again and again intervenes in this world, moved by infinite love.
             He is present througt the Holy Spirit in and with us. "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but
                                    of power and love and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7)

                                    I invite you now to read in this actual eJournal more about the
                                    importance of this Holy Spirit in theory and prac�ce for Chris�an

                                    Yours, Werner May

             Why do we have a bilingual journal?
             In our movement for Chris�an Psychology, we meet as Chris�ans with very different backgrounds: different churches, dif-
             ferent cul-tures, different professional trainings...
             There is a common desire for the movement, but highly “mul�-lingual” ideas of its realiza�on! Therefore, a bilingual
             journal is just a small reference to our mul�lingual voices to remind us:
             Languages are an expression of cultures, countries and of their people. By wri�ng in two languages, we want to show our
             respect to the authors of the ar�cles, to their origin and heritage, and at the same �me symbolically show respect to all
             the readers in other foreign countries.
             There are many foreign languages that we do not understand. Within our own language, we intend to understand one
             another, but we fail to do so quite o�en. To really understand one another is a great challenge, and we also want to point
             to this challenge by offering a bilingual journal.
             “When languages die, knowledge about life gets lost.” (Suzanne Romaine, 2011)
             Finally, there is a pragma�c reason: As we want to have authors from one special country to write the main ar�cles of
             every journal, it will be easier for them to distribute the journal in their own country, when it also is in their own language.

             Note: By clicking the desired contribu�on in this Contents list, you immediately reach the relevant page.
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