Page 5 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 5
About the Artist
Ar�st Statement
Esly Carvalho (Brazil)
Thank you very much Esly, for your readiness Ph.D., T.E.P. TraumaClinic.
and your pain�ngs – and for this short inter- She is an experienced Trainer
view. of Trainers in EMDR therapy,
as well as a Psychodrama
You are a psychologist, mother, husband, pain- trainer. An author and inter-
ter,... What would you say to someone who is naional speaker, she has
si�ng next to you on the plane, for example, spent her life working in La�n
and asks what you are doing - in a few senten- America and Brazil, training
ces? in three languages, in both
pastoral as well as clinical
Although I am not trained in Art Therapy, I see se�ngs. She has wri�en
art as therapy. Since I was a child, I have loved books available on Amazon.
to paint. And one of the interes�ng things Esly is married to a re�red
about pain�ng is that we can do whatever we missionary, has an adult mar-
want with colors and shapes. They can reflect ried daughter who is also a
our moods and help us express what is inside in clinical psychologist and trai-
a way that words cannot. Now I have learned a ner in her own right, and
li�le bit about applying some of the techniques loves those grandchildren!!
of neurographica (Pavel Piskovev – have to
check the selling on this) and adapted them to
my abstract pain�ngs, like rounding out where www.traumaclinicinterna
the lines cross to make them look like nerve
cells. It is surprisingly relaxing. I guess we are Former contribu�on in our
pain�ng in “brain language” when we do that. eJournal by Esly you can see
AndI tooke it a step further, and started using her:
this new way of pain�ng to Bible verses that I h�ps://
love. h�ps://
Solo exhibi�on “Reflec�on” at “The Balcony Gallery of “Jerusalem Theater” (2011)