Page 45 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 45
Western churches and congrega�ons. In his in- geprägtem Dankbarkeitsübungen unterschei-
augural address as President of the American den, haben schon Zagano & Gillespie (2006)
Psychological Associa�on in 1998, Mar�n Selig- aus der Perspek�ve einer Igna�anischen Spiri-
man ini�ated this change. From the outset, po- tualität klar herausgearbeitet. Von der Posi�-
si�ve psychology was not a naive happyology of ven Psychologie inspirierte Übungen zielen dar-
posi�ve thinking. Its scien�fic claim was and is auf ab, persönliches Glück zu erreichen, posi�-
to provide evidence-based recommenda�ons ve Beziehungen zu stärken und die Entwicklung
for one's own lifestyle and for posi�ve coaching der Signaturstärken einer Person zu unterstüt-
and posi�ve therapies on the basis of empirical zen. Dagegen ist im Prinzip nichts einzuwen-
studies. den. Das Streben nach dauerha�en Glückszu-
ständen kann aber leicht dunkle Charakterei-
Posi�ve psychology has gone beyond the cau- genscha�en der Selbstzentrierung hervorbrin-
ses and treatment of mental disorders to focus gen. Christliche Spiritualität richtet sich dage-
on posi�ve emo�ons and character traits. It has gen darauf, Go� und seiner Schöpfung zu die-
focused on the living condi�ons and ins�tu�- nen und orien�ert sich an den Werten der Bi-
ons that enable people to lead successful, mea- bel. Dankbarkeit hat hier völlig andere Bedeu-
ningful lives. This process has been given the tungsnuancen. Sie richtet sich nicht an Men-
term Flourishing. Flourishing stands for a pro- schen oder an ein unpersönliches Universum,
cess in which people can realize their poten�al sondern an Go�, den Schöpfer des Himmels
and at the same �me experience a high level of und der Erde. Wie sich allgemeine Dankbarkeit
mental health and psychological well-being. Se- von einer Dankbarkeit gegenüber Go� auf das
ligman's PERMA model has been much discus- persönliche Wohlbefinden auswirken, wurde
sed and studied, in which the following factors viele Jahre später in einer empirischen Studie
contribute significantly to well-being: Posi�ve von Newman, Nezlek & Tay (2024) untersucht.
Emo�ons, Engagement, Rela�onships, Mea-
ning and Accomplishment. In the later version Prü� man den Tugendkatalog der Posi�ven Psy-
of the PERMA+ model, these were supplemen- chologie, so findet man dort tatsächlich als 6.
ted by vitality factors such as exercise, nutri�on Kerntugend Spiritualität und Transzendenz.
and sleep. Lomas, Pawelski, & VanderWeele Verglichen mit den biblischen Kerntugenden
(2024) also succeeded in crea�ng an up-to-date umfasst diese Defini�on aber einen weitaus
map for the network of further meaning com- größeren Bedeutungsraum. Sie schließt zum
ponents of “flourishing”. Beispiel Humor, Enthusiasmus und Hoffnung
ein, verzichtet aber wegen ihrer kultur- und re-
Posi�ve psychology has now established itself ligionsübergreifenden Ausrichtung auf spezi-
in psychological research, therapy and coaching fisch christliche Tugenden wie Go�esfurcht.
in many countries around the world. It has de-
veloped new balanced research programs in Zusammenfassend halten die Autoren fest:
the second and third waves of posi�ve psycho- “The key point of convergence here with Igna�-
logy. The second wave explicitly considered the an spirituality is the no�on of profound gra�tu-
life-shaping value of challenging nega�ve life de. Posi�ve Psychology focuses on gra�tude to
events. In par�cular, Paul Wong's Existen�al Po- one person. But the Spiritual Exercises, though
si�ve Psychology, inspired by logotherapy and they certainly direct exercitants towards the re-
Chris�an values, should be men�oned here. cogni�on of personal interdependence in their
Wong proposes the concept of chaironic happi- lives, do so within a wider context of gra�tude
ness. It differs from short-lived hedonic happi- to God. While Seligman’s research shows that
ness because it is perceived as a blessing from the most grateful people are the happiest peo-
God and is associated with reverence, gra�tude ple, Chris�an spirituality usually recognises the
and oneness with him. In the long term, this most grateful people as the holiest people. The
can lead to so-called mature happiness. Wong difference between the two, of course, is belief
describes mature happiness as a person's inner in the centrality of God in personal existence”
harmony, which is achieved when a person can (Zagano & Gillespie, 2006, p. 49).