Page 81 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 81

tous and, in a term that will be explained later,      tected from ego�sm through the third that
        virginal unity with the other (agape).                 both unites them and preserves their dis�nc�-
                                                               on. Love gives itself, a rela�on of personal ind-
        The agapic dimension of love is perceived as a         welling in which everything is given and shared
        perfec�on of love thanks to Chris�an revela�-          .…[However,] this rela�on does not collapse
        on. While the Aristotelian unmoved mover or            into the giver or the receiver because of this
        the Plo�nian One does not care for the world,          third, who represents at the personal level the
        the God of Jesus Christ does. Love is what is          objec�ve unity between the giver and the re-
        most proper to God. He alone, without losing           ceiver. The complete form of love is marked by
        himself, can give himself to what he is not be-        the giving and receiving known as koinonia
        cause, in himself, he exists as a tripersonal com-     [communion]. In this communion, as Chris�an
        munion of love. It is at the level of three divine     revela�on confirms, the third is both fruit and
        persons [Father, Son, Holy Spirit] that the rela�-     summit of the love that binds the lover to and
        on between eros, agape, and logos indicated            dis�nguishes him from the beloved. This koino-
        earlier finally becomes clear. The perfec�on of        nia, when referred to God, describes both the
        love, where the beloved without regard for             unity of love and its preserva�on of the diffe-
        himself gives all of himself to the other, all the     rence of giver, gi�, and receiver.
        while desiring to be loved by this other, is pro-

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