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idea that communica�on is not about “me”, pri-         (1) Psalm 139:14 TLB
        marily it is about “them”, it becomes about            (2) Shakespeare, Hamlet
        “us”. Then I will bring that ‘other regarding’ ap-     (3) Johari Window, Building Self Awareness Trust.
                                                               (4) Donald Rumsfeld, “Unknown Unknowns.”
        proach into all my marital interac�ons. It isn’t       (5) Jung. Shadow side. NB: Jung didn’t co
        that we have to be iden�cal in personality and         (6) Maria Konnikova, On Wearing Masks
        outlook. Love sees difference as an opportunity        (7) Amy C. Edmondson, The Fearless Organiza�on
        for love to be expressed. Kahnweiler writes in         (8) Richard Rohr, Daily Blog 6/5/2024
                                                               (9) Richard Rohr, Daily Blog 6/5/2024
        the context of one partner being more extro-           (10) Mar�n Buber, ‘I Thou’. A G Palmer MA lecture Notes
        verted and the other more introverted that,            ERMC 2024
        “The truth is that opposite pairs require con-         (11) Mar�n Buber, ‘I Thou’. A G Palmer MA lecture Notes
        stant vigilance, careful maintenance and balan-        ERMC 2024
        ce.” (32) It is so much easier to judge each other     (12) George Ritzer, The McDonaldiza�on of Society
        than to listen to one another. We need to fol-         (13) Mar�n Buber, ‘I Thou’. A G Palmer MA lecture Notes
                                                               ERMC 2024
        low David Kiersey’s advice in his book, Please         (14) Fiske and Taylor, “Cogni�ve Miser” 1984
        Understand Me, “If I do not want what you              (15) Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow 2011
        want, please try not to tell me that my want is        (16) Paul Tieger, Speed Reading People 1999
        wrong…” (33)                                           (17) Heidi Grant Halvorson, ‘We’re All Terrible at Understan-
                                                               ding Each Other’ Harvard Business Review, April 16 2015
                                                               (18) Halvorson, ‘We’re All Terrible at Understanding Each
        Maskenfreiheit, hiding behind the mask in mar-         Other’ Harvard Business Review, April 16 2015
        riage can be dangerous to the rela�onship and          (19) Gizem Oneri Uzun, ‘A Review of Communica�on, Body
        to our own wellbeing. Research consistently            Language and Communica�on’ Researchgate. April 2021
                                                               (20) Gizem Oneri Uzun, ‘A Review of Communica�on, Body
        shows that more ‘judgeable’ people are psycho-         Language and Communica�on’ Researchgate. April 2021
        logically be�er adjusted. True love casts out          (21) Stefani and De Marco, ‘Language, Gesture, and Emo�o-
        fear. When we know we are loved by our spou-           nal Communica�on: An Embodied View of Social Interac�on’
        se, that we have in them an anam cara –Gaelic          Fron�ers in Psychology. 24 /09/2019
        for “soul friend.” Communica�on becomes and            (22) Sam Horn, “What is the Eyebrow Test?,” Blog post 2015
        expression of that security and love.(34)              (23) Jeff Thompson, ‘Is Nonverbal Communica�on a Numbers
                                                               Game?’ Psychology Today. Posted 30/9/2011
                                                               (24) Jeff Thompson, ‘Is Nonverbal Communica�on a Numbers
                                                               Game?’ Psychology Today. Posted 30/9/2011
                                                               (25) Halvorson, ‘We’re All Terrible at Understanding Each
                                                               Other’ Harvard Business Review, April 16 2015
                                                               (26) Halvorson, ‘We’re All Terrible at Understanding Each
                                                               Other’ Harvard Business Review, April 16 2015
                                                               (27) Halvorson, ‘We’re All Terrible at Understanding Each
                                                               Other’ Harvard Business Review, April 16 2015
                                                               (28) Mary Oliver, Have you ever tried to enter the long black
                                                               branches of other people’s lives’. Nashville Public Library
                                                               (29) Publius Syrus
                                                               (30) Kathleen Norris, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography. 2001
                                                               (31) Charles Ringma, Seize the Day with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
                                                               (32) Kahnweiler
                                                               (33) David Kiersey and Marilyn M Bates, Please Understand
                                                               Me. 1984
                                                               (34) John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from The
                                                               Cel�c World. 1997

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