Page 120 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 120

About Us                                    The Board of EMCAPP

                             This journal is published by the European Move-  •  Mar Alvarez-Segura (Spain), child and adole-
                             ment for Chris�an Anthropology, Psychology and  scent psychotherapist for trauma treatment.
                             Psychotherapy in coopera�on with the IGNIS-    Lecturer at Abat Oliba CEU University (Spain).
                             Academy, Kanzler-Stürtzel-Str.2, D-97318 Kitzin-  •  Francesco Cu�on (Italy), clinical psychologist
                             gen. EMCAPP as a non-ins�tu�onal movement      and psychotherapist, associate of the Italian
                             enjoys mee�ng Chris�an scholars and prac��o-   Catholic Associa�on of Psychologists and
                             ner in the field of Chris�an anthropology, psycho-  Psychiatrists, president founder of the asso-
                             logy, psychotherapy and counseling from all over  cia�on “Jonas is on the way“, Rome.
                             the world and from most Chris�an tradi�ons. We  •  Nicolene Joubert (South Africa) psychologist,
                             are focused on bringing together key persons   Head of the ICP: the Ins�tute of Chris�an Psy-
                             from different countries. The richness of experi-  chology in Johannesburg
                             ence and background always s�mulates and re-  •  Rev. Andrey Lorgus (Russia), psychologist,
                             freshes us.                                    Rector of the Ins�tute of Chris�an Psychology
                                                                            in Moscow, h�p:// .
                             This magazine is free and can be downloaded  •  Werner May (Germany), psychologist, former
                             from our website. We appreciate everyone who   President of the Academy for Chris�an Psy-
                             recommends it.                                 chology IGNIS, President of
                                                                            EMCAPP Board.
                             Per year, two issues of the journal are planned.  •  Anna Ostaszewska (Poland), psychotherapist,
                                                                            supervisor, one of the founders of the Asso-
                             Publisher, Editor: Werner May               •  cia�on of Chris�an Psychologists in Poland
                             Design: Juliane Thoma
                                                                            (ACP). Vice-President of EMCAPP Board
                             Interac�ve design, Webdesign:
                                                                            Elena Strigo (Russia, city of Krasnojarsk, Sibe-
                             Heiko Gneuß, pro-webART
                                                                            rian Region), psychologist, psychotherapist at
           EMCAPP  Facebook  h�p://         the Psychological Counselling Center.
                             Many thanks to the numerous authors and the
                             translators. Without their commitment and gi�s
                             this number would not exist.

                                                                                        Next Number
                                                                                       Publica�on date:
                                                                                        Autumn 2024

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