Page 117 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 117

I can see that your life is full of interes�ng         Former Interviews with a Chris�an Psycholo-
        tasks. And you have a private life too. Has this       gist:
        been stressful?                                        „Why would you call yourself a Chris�an Psy-
        Yes, while I do have a private life, some�mes I
        have to fight really hard for it. Unfortunately it     NicolaDiFonco (USA):
        does happen that I lose this fight, but then the-      h�ps://
        re are friends and supervisors who say to me,          Friedemann Alsdorf (Germany)
        “Stop, and now... go take care of yourself.”           h�ps://
                                                               Steven Voss (USA)
        And: Do you have some concerns of your                 Päivimaria Kuivamäki (Finland)
        heart you will share with the readers?                 h�ps://
                                                               Olena Yaremko (Ukraine / Germany)
        I think everyone has them. We are experiencing         h�ps://
        poli�cal changes, wars taking place not far from
        our borders and all the suffering they bring - all
        this does not make us very op�mis�c. This
        makes more clients knock on the door of my
        office, who have no hope that things will ever
        get be�er. Here lies the challenge - working
        with a person who has lost hope, faith and no
        longer believes in love. What do I do then? First
        I look to the one who is the Way, Truth and Life
        - Jesus Christ, and then... we start therapy :)

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