Page 116 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 116

What was the focus of your study/training?             What are your actual professional du�es?
        Did you get any results that you would especi-         Can you please tell us a li�le bit about your
        ally like to emphasize?                                experiences?

        During the training, I gained knowledge of psy-        First and foremost, I am a psychotherapist. I
        chology and prac�ced working in psychothera-           work in a private prac�ce with individual cli-
        py. I was especially interested in finding someo-      ents.
        ne whom I could watch and learn from. I found          As president of the “W innym świetle” Founda-
        Anna Ostaszewska, a wonderful supervisor,              �on, which provides people with psychological
        psychotherapist, co-founder of the Associa�on          and spiritual help, I and my friends organize
        of Chris�an Psychologists. In addi�on to skills,       trainings and retreats, and help make it possi-
        what I got from her was support and confirma-          ble, for those who need it, to undertake indivi-
        �on that I could be a good therapist. A�er             dual therapy.
        comple�ng basic training and beginning my
        prac�ce, I no�ced that the “Chris�an ap-
        proach” in psychotherapy has an extraordinary
        power. I focused on exploring the rela�onship
        between psychology and spirituality, and I con-
        �nue to do so today to be�er work with my cli-
        ents. My biggest discovery is that there are
        people who come to me that are non-believers,
        who want to face some “empty space in them-
        selves,” which they some�mes call spirituality. I
        do not provide spiritual guidance, but they
        choose me so they can speak freely about their
        longings and their spiritual journey.

        Why would you call yourself a Chris�an psy-

        I would call myself that because I incorporate
        Chris�an anthropology into my work and I do
        not treat the client's inner spiritual experiences
        as some kind of disorder. Such experiences are
        familiar to me - as a Chris�an/Catholic, I know        As a member of the board - secretary, in the As-
        the ups and downs of our life of faith, and I also     socia�on of Chris�an Psychologists, I take care
        know the experience of being wounded in the            of the documenta�on and organiza�on of the
        Church, when the psyche of a leader or another         work of our Associa�on.
        believer is sick. As a theologist, I know what a       I also conduct workshops for psychotherapy
        healthy spirituality is. O�en mental disorders         students at the Colegium Verum university in
        twist one’s spirituality and that is where I can       Warsaw.
        help reduce the client's suffering.
                                                               I feel best in individual work with clients in the
                                                               office, when I can accompany the change that
                                                               is taking place within them. I also greatly enjoy
                                                               passing on my experiences to students.

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