Page 115 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 115

Agnieszka Wojsz, psychotherapist and theologian
                                    works in integra�ve psychotherapy. Her work is
                                    guided by Chris�an anthropology and takes into ac-
                                    count the spirituality of the client. She is also interes-
                                    ted in psychodrama and runs support groups. She
                                    o�en shares her experience with psychotherapy stu-
                                    dents. She is a board member of the Associa�on of
                                    Chris�an Psychologists and President of the Founda�-
                                    on, “W Innym Świetle". She lives in Warsaw.

           Agnieszka Wojsz

        Ques�ons to Agnieszka Wojsz

                            Why would you describe yourself as

                                     a Chris�an psychologist?"

        How it came about that you’ve studied psy-

        It's quite a complicated story. When I was              teacher, as well as a youth tutor. During my
        younger, I studied theology and journalism. I           work in school I con�nued to learn about psy-
        was fascinated by Chris�anity and Jesus Christ          chology and pedagogy by a�ending various
        himself. Back then, gaining knowledge about             trainings. A�er a couple of years, there was a
        religion and spirituality were the most import-         moment when I felt that working as a teacher
        ant things to me. I wrote my master’s thesis            is not enough for me anymore, that I am more
        about the presence of evil and suffering in the         interested in what mental state young people
        world - it was then that I read Victor Frankl’s         are in, rather than if they know history or reli-
        book Man’s Search for Meaning. Thanks to it I           gions of the world. I worked with the parents
        understood that human suffering can be physi-           of students that were going through a crisis,
        cal, psychological and spiritual, and that in my        and observed the development of burnout
        research I need to consider man’s psychologi-           among teachers. All of that was why I started
        cal aspect more. I immersed myself in the wri-          thinking about taking up a degree in psycho-
        �ngs of the Desert Fathers, par�cularly on the          therapy. My friends and my family were sup-
        topic of acedia, that is, “spiritual depression” -      por�ve of this decision, so I moved from my
        my master then was Evagrius the Solitary - a            beau�ful coastal city of Gdynia to Warsaw and
        monk, theologist and mys�c from the fourth              started my study of psychotherapy led by Sto-
        century, and in my opinion, a great psycholo-           warzyszenie Psychologów Chrześcijańskich w
        gist. That is when I got more into psychology.          Warszawie (Associa�on of Chris�an Psycholo-
        A�er theology and journalism, I also finished           gists in Warsaw) and Polski Instytut Psychodra-
        my studies in history. This is what gave me the         my (the Polish Ins�tute of Psychodrama).
        opportunity to work as a history and religion

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