Page 12 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 12

When a person becomes a Chris�an, they are             mited by the believer’s capacity to do so.
        brought into union with Christ. As a result, the
        Father of Christ becomes their Father, and they        Such intersubjec�ve experiences with God oc-
        are given the gi� of the indwelling Holy Spirit.       cur through the believer’s faith and love, in
        Through the Holy Spirit, God comes to dwell in         prayer, Bible medita�on, and worship, as belie-
        believers (Jn 14:23; 15:4; Jn 17:21, 23, 26). Ho-      vers sharing a�en�on with the omnipresent,
        wever, our experience of God is imperfect, be-         indwelling God in love. By this means they
        cause even the capaci�es of believers to dwell         make possible a significant kind of healing
        in God by faith and love are so compromised by         through the reorganiza�on of their brain/souls
        remaining sin. Nevertheless, there is something        around God and his glory, crea�ng repara�ve
        thoroughly remarkable in the communion we              rela�onal experiences with God by the Spirit
        can enjoy (1Jn 1:3). To begin with, divine com-        that promote internal integra�on and reduce
        munion is vastly superior to simply living and         their double-mindedness and the conflicts of a
        moving and having our being in God—which is            divided heart.
        true of all humans (Acts 17:28). The triune God
        is especially present within believers and             Hindrances to Soul Healing
        knows them lovingly, as his children, which he         Our greatest impediment to such healing is the
        communicates through the Spirit’s pouring out          internal resistance to God that all humans have
        the love of God in their hearts (Ro 5:5) and           called sin, the resolu�on of which God has
        enabling them to receive God’s presence and            accomplished in Christ. Further hindering the
        knowledge and give that love back to God, in a         ability to abide in Christ for many is the fact
        way massively poorer, but vaguely resembling           that humans form cogni�ve-affec�ve/neural
        the reciprocal love, affirma�on, and joy of the        structures through the course of their early so-
        Trinity. Through faith and love—what John calls        cializa�on—called an “internal working model”
        “abiding” (15:4)—believers and the Trinity par-        (Bowlby, 1988)—that come to cons�tute their
        �cipate in a communion of consciousnesses—a            deep view of themselves and others and condi-
        harmonizing of their subjec�vi�es (a kind of           �on the quality of their rela�onships with God
        “intersubjec�vity”)—which Eleonore Stump               and others (Coe & Hall, 2010; Guntrip, 1957;
        (2010) considers an aspect of love: sharing joint      Moriarity & Hoffman, 2007; Spero, 1992).
        a�en�on; personal presence; and thoughts,              Through earlier intersubjec�ve experiences
        emo�ons, and story; a communion hampered               with chronically poor caregivers, one’s internal
        only by the internal conflict that remains in the      working model can be rather severely distor-
        believer.                                              ted, and unless there is healing, its effects will
                                                               con�nue throughout life to condi�on nega�ve-
        One would think this could lead to significant         ly one’s percep�ons of others and interac�ons
        psychospiritual benefits for believers: In this        with them, including one’s deep percep�ons of
        way, they can taste the richest interpersonal ex-      God (called one’s God-image; Moriarity & Hoff-
        perience possible with an immaterial and infini-       man, 2007), and therefore the quality of one’s
        te, tri-personal being: a mature, secure a�ach-        interac�ons with him.
        ment bond, friendship (Jn 15:13-15), in�macy
        with God, and a sense of being wanted, cheris-         While a fundamental recentering of one’s life
        hed, and loved by a holy God of love, pervasive-       occurs at conversion, most of the damaging
        ly condi�oned by a spirit of dependence, wor-          effects of previous development are not imme-
        ship, and obedience. Yet such blessings are not        diately remediated. The cogni�ve-affec�ve/
        communicated automa�cally. Apart from the              neural dynamic structures that were formed
        compara�vely rare miraculous disposal, to rea-         earlier in life remain, and it takes a certain
        lize them in their lives, believers must “abide in     amount of matura�on just to recognize these
        Christ” (Jn 15:4), which involves inten�onal,          effects, let alone learn how to undermine them
        conscious appropria�on, and it is therefore li-        and develop new, healthier structures. Signifi-

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