Page 108 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 108

Jonathan P. Badge�, Ph.D, M.Div.
                                    Title: CEO. Affilia�on: Chris�an Psychology In-
                                    s�tute, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
                                    Areas of interest/specializa�on: Pastoral theo-
                                    logy / Chris�an Psychology / Complex trauma.

                                    Former contribu�on in our eJournal by Jona-
                                    than you can see her:

         Jonathan P. Badge�

          Enduring all Things: Reflec�ons on the Benefits of Long-Term

                                         Chris�an Psychotherapy

                             Love . . . endures all things.     apostle’s exhorta�on,
                                      1 Corinthians 13:7        “Love . . . endures all things” (1 Cor 13:7, NET).
                                                                What follows are my reflec�ons on one case il-
        As a pastoral counselor and caregiver, I enjoy          lustra�ng the benefits of long-term psychothe-
        certain luxuries. For one, since I don’t receive        rapy.
        any income (1) from my clients—I call them
        “counselees” to avoid transac�onal langua-              Liza’s Story
        ge—I am free to set a flexible psychotherapeu-          Like most of my counselees, Liza (3) is a survi-
        �c agenda. Not only can financial factors mud-          vor of interpersonal trauma. Her story of bro-
        dy the rela�onal waters of the therapeu�c al-           kenness, no less heartbreaking for its familiar
        liance, they also pressurize the �meline. Time          profile, begins in early childhood. She was
        means money for anyone with limited means.              groomed and repeatedly raped from a very
        Yet, �me is also a crucial aspect of the healing        young age by a trusted family member. Over-
        process. I’m all for strategic, short-term solu�-       looked by distracted parents too busy and
        ons, when appropriate. Profound brokenness,             preoccupied with five younger children, Liza
        on the other hand, takes longer to heal; pro-           learned to carry her dark secret alone. Disso-
        foundly broken people require long-term care.           cia�on allowed her to carry on func�oning
        It’s a luxury I enjoy to have walked alongside          even as a surrogate parent to her siblings de-
        the wounded for, in some cases, well over a de-         spite the psychological pain she silently car-
        cade of their lives and mine. With the                  ried. Her mind sheltered her from conscious
        pressures of finances removed—no bank ac-               awareness by burying the memories of what
        counts straining to keep up, no insurance com-          happened in a deep pit of forge�ulness.
        panies impa�ently tapping their corporate foot          Eventually, not even Liza could recall what
        for us to hurry up, move along, fix the problem,        she’d tucked away in dark reaches. It was hid-
        whatever that might mean—we have taken the              den from everyone. As with so many young
        �me we needed. Looking back, I see how we               trauma survivors, Liza endured and survived
        have been learning together to apply the                her trauma—alone.

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