Page 105 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 105

Leena Junnila is Chris�an counsellor
                                    in Lohja Finland. She has worked also
                                    as trainer in Chris�an counselling
                                    school first in Lohja and since 2019
                                    at Kalajoki Chris�an College. She is
                                    already re�red but goes on working
                                    as speaker and teacher in Chris�an
                                    events and courses when needed.
                                    She is a board member in ACC Fin-
            Leena Junnila

        Comment to “The Agape Ques�onnaire for Self-reflec�on“

        This Agape Ques�onnaire deals with one part             about religious ques�ons and if s/he has pro-
        about The Great Commandment: "You shall                 blems e.g. in se�ng boundaries or a severe
        love The Lord your God with all your heart,             image of God. Some addi�onal ques�ons
        with all your soul, with all your strength, and         could, however, be needed to further the the-
        with all your mind and your neighbor as your-           rapy.
        self." As God has first loved us with his Agape
        love, we are able to love our neighbor (1. John         A Chris�an therapist can also use this ba�ery
        4: 19-21). This dependence on God has been              by choosing for his/her use some ques�ons
        noted well in this ques�on set. My comments             s/he evaluates to be good for his/her own cli-
        pay also a�en�on to the fact that the Chris�an          ent. Anyway, it is very important that the the-
        educa�on o�en forgets how difficult it is for a         rapist and the client consider and talk over the
        fallen person to accept God's love, which, ho-          backgrounds and the significance of the rep-
        wever, is an absolute prerequisite for the abili-       lies.
        ty to love God and the neighbor.

        The AQ is a good instrument for any Chris�an's          The last two ones of the AQ's eight ques�on
        self-reflec�on when a person wants to evalua-           categories: 7. Se�ng boundaries and 8. Love
        te his/her own willingness to show divine love          as a chance happening arouse addi�onal ques-
        to other people. The ques�ons and their eight           �ons and need for adjustments in my opinion.
        categories broaden the idea of all the things           Category 7 has ques�ons that concern se�ng
        that the expression of love includes in prac�ce         boundaries for "another person's benefit" (7
        and the way how the person filling in the form          and 23) and such ques�ons that concern
        thinks to have succeeded there. I would also            se�ng boundaries for "a person's own bene-
        like to recommend its use as discussion basis           fit" i.e. because of his/her own resources (3.)
        e.g. with a husband and a wife, family mem-             and a couple of ques�ons that are too unclear
        bers, a friend, a religious guide or some�mes           to draw conclusions whether the boundaries
        also with a Chris�an therapist. With a thera-           are needed for oneself or the other person (15
        pist, in the first place, when a client thinks          and 39).

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