Page 106 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 106

In my opinion, it would be good to separate            The problems here may, however, be that the
        these ques�ons and make two groups of them:            statement has been taken directly from the Bi-
        a) is it easy or difficult for the person filling in   ble and "A good Chris�an" replies to the ques�-
        the form to set boundaries for another person          on automa�cally "correctly" (9-10) without de-
        in general. b) is it easy or difficult for the person  ba�ng profoundly how it really corresponds to
        filling in the form to set boundaries when it          his/her own experiences. It is embarrassing to
        would be necessary to take care of his/her own         admit that my experience does not correspond
        sufficient resources. Category 8 (love as a chan-      to the Bible's word.
        ce happening) describes love in the first place
        as God's gi� for another person. There is              As the therapist of Chris�an people, I o�en
        nothing blameful there but I would like to have        hear how the client talks about the pain that is
        addi�onal ques�ons to describe ways to accept          caused when his/her wife/husband or parent is
        God's love for the person filling in the form          willing to help people outside the family wi-
        (God's love to him/herself). This is because           thout saving �me and effort, but s/he does not
        God's love to me is the spring that enables me         no�ce the needs of his/her own family mem-
        to give love to other people (Ps. 23:5). If I am       bers. It would be good to include this subject in
        unable to accept God's love and if I don't know        the form, too.
        my own value, I end up helping other people
        with my own strength. Then I might become ex-          In addi�on, helping mo�ves are a significant
        hausted or want to be alone because I think            theme that could be dealt with, too, perhaps. If
        that I don't have anything to give.                    a law, a feeling of guilt and/or rejec�on of one-
                                                               self are the mo�ves for helping and giving, it is
        The second part of Ques�on 5 brings out this           ques�onable whether the work is full of bles-
        subject shortly, but more a�en�on should be            sing. Many people help other people without
        paid to it in my opinion. Ques�on 8 describes          becoming aware of the fact that it is actually an
        the gi� nature of love but it also has the possi-      escape from his/her own pain and longing for
        bility to pass the acceptance of a gi� to oneself.     those very things s/he hurries to give to other
        Ques�on 24 may be planned to describe how              people. I myself have done that many years,
        the person filling in the form experiences the         hopefully not so much anymore.
        acceptance of love from God to him/herself.

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