Page 72 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 72
Finally, Father Gabriele Scardocci opened a win- sguardo di bene verso di loro è realmente carità
dow on the world of disability, in par�cular that se li contempla come esseri volu� da Dio ed
of the mentally disabled. It is also possible for ama� pur nelle loro condizioni limite, secondo
them to be educated, even in the faith, through una antropologia che vede nell’intelligenza e
simple prac�cal arrangements and access to nel ruolo della grazia delle risorse sempre ap-
the sacraments. A good look towards them is pellabili.
really charity if it contemplates them as beings
wanted by God and loved even in their limited Alla domanda “Chi è lo psicologo ca�olico?” il
condi�ons, according to an anthropology that convegno ha quindi risposto: “un nano che sie-
sees in intelligence and in the role of grace re- de sulle spalle dei gigan�”. Ovvero un professio-
sources that can always be appealed. nista che conosce la tradizione a sé precedente
e che la porta avan� nel presente, dialogando
To the ques�on "Who is the Catholic psycholo- con le impostazioni contemporanee ma anche
gist?" The conven�on then replied: “a dwarf prendendone le giuste distanze cri�che, sen-
who sits on the shoulders of giants”. In other tendosi forte di due millenni di storia che hanno
words, a professional who knows the tradi�on insegnato come concepire l’uomo e le sue pro-
preceding him and who carries it forward in the blema�che. Lo spazio adesso si apre all’ambito
present, dialoguing with contemporary se�ngs della psicoterapia, che verrà esplorato in suc-
but also taking the right cri�cal distances from cessivi convegni e proposte dell’Associazione: la
it, feeling strong in two millennia of history that declinazione di un modello che abbia la sue ra-
have taught us how to conceive man and his dici nell’antropologia di Tommaso d’Aquino e
problems. The space now opens up to the field negli appor� dei grandi nomi della tradizione; e
of psychotherapy, which will be explored in che sappia interce�are i bisogni e le sfide della
subsequent conferences and proposals of the clinica contemporanea – si pensi a temi come
Associa�on: the declina�on of a model that has pedofilia, pornografia, omosessualità, iden�tà
its roots in the anthropology of Thomas di genere, fine vita, post-aborto, ecc. – meglio
Aquinas and in the contribu�ons of the great di quanto facciano gli approcci a�uali.
names of tradi�on; and who knows how to in-
tercept the needs and challenges of the con-
temporary clinic - think of topics such as pedo-
philia, pornography, homosexuality, gender
iden�ty, end of life, post-abor�on, etc. – be�er
than current approaches do.
Stefano Parenti, psychotherapist, President of the Italian Catholic Psychological Association
Stefano Parenti is husband, father of three little mischievous kids (and a fourth is coming!) and
works like psychotherapist in Milano, Italy. Since university times, he had the need to find a link
between psychotherapy and faith, between work and life. Because all of the temporary approaches
to therapy are build upon anthropologies far away from Church‘s one, he was searching for authors
and professionals who have arleady linked this two parts. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Rudolf Allers,
Magda Arnold and some friends help him to find an integration and, overall, to understand that
Catholics are called to continue the traditional psychology that was erased by modern and post-
modern times.
Former article by Stefano available here