Page 2 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 2


             3        Editorial

             4        The first eighteen numbers of the eJournal
             5        About the ar�st: Alexey Adonin (Israel)

             Main Ar�cles to „Spiritual Forma�on“

             8        Introduc�on to the main ar�cles to Spiritual Forma�on by Fernando Garzon (USA)

             10       Nicolene Joubert (South Africa): Spiritual Forma�on for Chris�an Leaders
             16       Marcin Gajda (Poland): Love of God (Prayer) / miłość do Boga (Modlitwa)

             27       Gregory Roy Jensen (USA) - To Love because we have first been loved by God -
                      Bernard of Clairvaux’s Psychology of Love

             38       Comment by Sam Berg (Canada)
             41       Comment by Janet Warren (Canada)

             43       Comment by Tomasc Niemirowski (Poland)

             Further Contribu�ons

             51       "Why would you describe yourself as a Chris�an psychologist?" Ques�ons to
                      Friedemann Alsdorf (Germany) / Warum würdest du dich als Christlicher

                      Psychologe bezeichnen? Fragen an Friedemann Alsdorf (Deutschland)
             56       Werner May (Germany): A Chris�an Psychology? /

                      Eine Christliche Psychologie?
             63       The EMCAPP BOOK VOL II - Nicolene Joubert (South Africa)

             69       Who is the Catholic psychologist? CONFERENCE 2023 by Associa on of
                      Catholic Psychology Italy - Report by Stefano Paren� (Italy) / Chi è lo psicologo

                      ca�olico? CONFERENZA 2023 dell'Associazione di Psicologia Ca�olica Italia
             73       Next Number / About us

             74       Seven Statements of EMCAPP
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