Page 4 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 4

About the Artist

        „My series of pain�ngs in monumental format
        is a specialty of pain�ng I grew to love as a re-
        sult of my study in Germany. Having been clas-
        sically trained, I was equipped to move into a
        freer sort of pain�ng that enabled spontaneity
        in the form and anatomy of the figures, vegeta-
        �on, and the rich fabrics and pa�erns, all of
        which evolve as I work. I emphasize movement
        and intense color while maintaining the plan-
        ned order necessary to create complicated
        composi�ons. I especially enjoy pain�ng narra-
        �ves that weave a harmony between the Old
        and New Testament Scriptures.

        My art studies were in three schools that em-
        braced three totally different philosophies of
        working. My earliest study was at the American
        Academy of Art in Chicago, and the Art Ins�tute                   Rosemarie Adcock - USA
        of Chicago. At the first school I learned to paint,
        at the second I learned to think more deeply
        about my pain�ng as it related to the history of
        art in the centuries before me. At my third
        school, the State Academy of Fine Art in Karls-
        ruhe, Germany, I combined my classical influ-
        ence with the freedom of my spontaneous
        composi�ons and figures. Blending these flowi-
        ng composi�ons with refined detail has beco-
        me nothing short of exhilara�ng for me as an            See
                                                                In this issue of the eJournal we have selected
        It is my desire to draw my viewers into the             works by Rosemarie from her Biblical Pain�ngs
        beauty of a colorful composi�on as though               series.
        they were entering a new world. It is also my
        passion to share an ancient faith in a fresh and        Artwork ©Rosemarie Adcock. All rights reserved.
        vibrant way, displaying a part ancient, part fu-
        ture story, wherein we dwell somewhere bet-             From all the other works, here are two more
        ween, with our lives connected to the en�re             selected ones from the Pain�ngs from Life.
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