Page 3 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 3


                        This summer Eric Johnson (USA) and his wife Becky visited us here in
                        Germany. It was a pleasure to meet them again. I par�cularly
                        appreciated our bike tours with Eric through the fields and vineyards
                        around Würzburg, where we live. Twice we cycled to a small chapel in
                        the hills, took a breather there on the bench.
                        I placed three larger stones in front of us as a symbol for the future of
                        Chris�an psychology.
                        I wrote "synergy" on one of them.

                        Chris�an psychology was not and should not be
                        the work of a single person, but the interac�on of
                        different people, worldwide, from all churches
                        and psychological backgrounds.
                        What unites them is their convic�on that when
                        we talk about human being, we also have to talk
                        about Jesus Christ.
                        I emphasize "we have to", everything else reflects         Here you can see the
                        a reduced view of the world and people.                       original stone.

                                                   The eJournal Chris�an Psychology Around The
                                                   World bears witness to this, and this new
                                                   issue also wants to invite you to discuss a
                                                   Chris�an psychology. Please write us your
                                                   comments about it. Thanks.

                                                   Yours, Werner May


             Why do we have a bilingual journal?
             In our movement for Chris�an Psychology, we meet as Chris�ans with very different backgrounds: different churches, dif-
             ferent cul-tures, different professional trainings...
             There is a common desire for the movement, but highly “mul�-lingual” ideas of its realiza�on! Therefore, a bilingual
             journal is just a small reference to our mul�lingual voices to remind us:
             Languages are an expression of cultures, countries and of their people. By wri�ng in two languages, we want to show our
             respect to the authors of the ar�cles, to their origin and heritage, and at the same �me symbolically show respect to all
             the readers in other foreign countries.
             There are many foreign languages that we do not understand. Within our own language, we intend to understand one
             another, but we fail to do so quite o�en. To really understand one another is a great challenge, and we also want to point
             to this challenge by offering a bilingual journal.
             “When languages die, knowledge about life gets lost.” (Suzanne Romaine, 2011)
             Finally, there is a pragma�c reason: As we want to have authors from one special country to write the main ar�cles of
             every journal, it will be easier for them to distribute the journal in their own country, when it also is in their own language.

             Note: By clicking the desired contribu�on in this Contents list, you immediately reach the relevant page.
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