Page 87 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 87

Bart Gooijer (Netherlands)
             Comment to “Attachment

             or dependency”

             In the article Attachment or dependency Lidiia
             Kondratyk provides an interesting overview of
             attachment theory, relating it to spiritual deve-       Bart Gooijer,
             lopment. The article starts out by defining at-         Psychologist
             tachment as ‘a deep and strong emotional con-           in    private
             nection that connects one person to another in          group  practice  at  Integro,  Hardenberg
             time  and  space’.  A  healthy  attachment  relati-     and Rijssen, the Netherlands. Secretary of
             onship is characterized as provisional for basic        the board of the Christian Association for
             emotional needs. Next, the article describes the        Psychiatrists,  Psychologists  and  Psycho-
             staged development of attachment of children            therapists (CVPPP) in the Netherlands
             in the first year of life. With attachment needs
             being  either  sufficiently  of  unsufficiently  met,
             the  child  develops  one  of  four  more-or-less
             stable  attachment  styles:  secure,  ambivalent,
             avoidant, or disorganized. The attachment rela-
             tionship thus becomes 1. a secure (or insecure)
             base from which the child ventures out to ex-     objects, substances, performance, or imperso-
             plore the world, and 2. a safe haven to which to   nal sexual behavior. Lack of secure childhood
             return for (hopefully good enough) protection     attachment  is  replaced  by  adult  dependency
             and nurture.                                      which continually gives only temporary relief,
                                                               possibly  leading  to  addiction.  This  important
             From  this  point  onwards,  Kondratyk  starts    observation on deviating attachment behavior
             drawing  some  interesting  analogies  between    culminates  in  the  article’s  grand  emphasis  on
             attachment  in  children  and  spiritual  develop-  the importance of fulfillment of childhood at-
             ment. The first set of analogies follow Neufeld   tachment needs by parents, not in the least be-
             and Maté (2005) in their  six stages of the de-   cause of this being fundamental to an ability to
             velopment of secure attachment in childhood,      establish deep connection with God.
             with central themes being: proximity, sameness,
             belonging, significance, love, and being known.   I  appreciate  Kondratyk’s  article  especially  for
             For each of these staged developmental themes,    its good summary of the basics of attachment
             the article explores some analogies with similar   theory - and then venturing out to describe par-
             themes  in  the  development  of  attachment-to-  allels between human attachment and relating
             God spirituality. Back again to the attachment    to God. In this respect the article will hopefully
             styles, the article then describes more analogies   be an impetus to further investigation and phe-
             -  between  each  of  the  four  attachment  styles   nomenological description of spiritual attach-
             and four corresponding ways of relating to God.   ment processes. When it comes to Kondratyk’s
             The last section of the article focuses on adult   analogies  between  childhood  attachment  and
             attachment style as based on childhood attach-    spiritual development, I have four comments.
             ment experience. When childhood attachment        1. There is one part that I do not quite under-
             needs have been only partially met or not met     stand  about  the  described  analogies  between
             at all, some kind of dependency ensues. Unful-    staged themes of development and spirituality.
             filled attachment needs are later on compensa-    What warrants the switch from spiritual attach-
             ted by codependent relationships or replaced by   ment to God in stages one and two, to attach-
             impersonal attachments to something such as       ment to the faith community in stages three and

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