Page 9 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 9
About the Artist:
Diane Fairfield
Diane E. Fairfield, born and raised in Nort- In 1997 she and her
heast US, is an artist who now resides in the husband made a ma-
Southwest where her paintings are greatly influ- jor life decision and
enced by the vast expanses that surround her. moved to southeast
Her artistic passion was ignited in her as a child Arizona, leaving
and, though her life took her in many other di- their careers and tra-
rections, she always returned to art and now ditional life styles behind. One of the driving
paints full time. She has a vivid memory of the reasons for this change was to enable them to
first time she knew she wanted to be an artist. pursue art full time. Once they had moved from
At the age of 5, when drawing a scene with rain, a suburban, career-driven life in the Boston
her teacher complimented her on her accom- area of New England to an extremely rural life
plishment, using it as an example to the other in an undeveloped area in Arizona, their time
children and succeeding in turning on a switch was initially consumed in building their new
within her. That passion remains. home, beginning with a barn for their horses.
Her college and career years were also spent in Animals, and especially horses and dogs, are
the Northeast US where she evolved into a ca- one of Diane’s great loves, thus the need to take
reer in human resource management. A major care of them first.
in commercial art in college, she realized that
discipline did not fulfill her artistic passion and Following that accomplishment they turned
therefore continued studies in fine art following their hands to building their house and art stu-
college. Fairfield has taken courses and work- dio themselves out of straw bale construction.
shops at a number of institutions both in New Once completed, they began to fulfill their
England and Arizona and continues to study dreams of being fully engaged in art.
through her own research and exploration. Diane is a colorist whose style is painterly and
Streams in the Desert