Page 124 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 124
Heidi Pidcoke (USA) Heidi Pidcoke
Somatic Psychotherapy M.A., LMFT, a
Somatic Psycho-
and Divine Unity: A therapist for the
personal perspective past 24 years,
Families and
Trauma. She also
holds certificates
In the field of psychology, Somatic Psychology in Voice Move-
is premised on the knowledge that our selves ment Therapy
are one unified whole. There is no actual sepa- and Core Ener-
ration between our minds, emotions and phy- getics. Growing up on the mission field
sical selves. This links to the deeply Christian in Brazil, her own work as a missionary led
concept that we are all one body in Christ which her to both South Africa and Kenya, where
is evidenced in a host of natural phenomena. In she spent eleven years. She is a contributing
this article I will share my personal journey and author of Confronting Stress and Trauma:
insights into wholistic wellbeing and the prac- A Resource Kit for Personnel Dealing with
tice of body psychotherapy. Violent Conflicts and Natural Disasters. Her
work also included being a trainer for the
“Most people of today are ashamed to offer UN Institute for Training and Research. For
themselves to God, both soul and body. They more information visit www.heidipidcoke.
feel that He has no use for their bodies, for- com.
getting the infinite pains that He took to in-
carnate Himself within the veil of flesh so that
He might from that time forth enter into all
humanity.” 1
What led me to study this in the early 90’s supported my body to move in whatever way
In my early twenties I was sitting in Quaker they felt it wanted to. Before climbing onto the
Meeting for Worship having just moved to San table, I had anticipated that this process would
Francisco a year after getting my undergraduate lead me to a place of laughter. Instead, I saw
degree in Philosophy. A thought went through an image I didn’t totally understand; when my
my head that perhaps it was time to develop a head turned towards the left, I saw a pus-filled
physical skill as my recent focus had been on sac connected to my left pelvis that made me
my mental development. That led me to re- sob deeply.
member how much I had enjoyed massaging This experience surprised me and led me to
my older sister who suffered from polio as a understand experientially how my body held
child. Just then, a woman stood up and gave a record of my past that I hadn’t wanted to
ministry about her work massaging priests and consciously admit to myself. It also motivated
nuns. Speaking with her after Meeting led me me to begin a life-long journey to deepen my
eventually to enlist in massage school (and to a understanding of the truth held in our tissues.
life-long friendship). My studies have led me to explore how our bo-
Towards the end of the massage school pro- dies, our voice, and movement allow for a much
gram, students were led through a deep process more complex and nuanced understanding of
called unwinding. Each of my limbs and head who we are and what we are feeling/sensing.
were held by another who attuned to me and The first stage in this new path was going
through a three-year master’s program in So-
matic Psychology. During my studies, I was
1 Sanford, Agnes. The Healing Light. New York: Ballanti- challenged to revise many conscious and un-
ne Books 1972, p.82.