Page 128 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 128

days Yahweh made heaven and earth, but on the     hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They
             seventh day he rested and drew breath.” (New      will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and
             Jerusalem Bible)                                  not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
             Trauma                                            One of those who have contributed significant-
             Many of the developments in the understanding     ly to this field is Vincent Felitti with research on
             of how unified the body and mind are, comes       the impact of adverse childhood events. Felitti’s
             out of the recent developments in neuroscience    first study was conducted in the Kaiser Medi-
             addressing the consequences of trauma. Accor-     cal Care system in the United States, and asked
             ding to Bessel van der Kolk, “Neuroscience re-    17,000 participants 10 questions about early ex-
             search shows that the only way we can change      periences of child abuse – emotional, physical
             the way we feel is by becoming aware of our in-   and sexual; emotional and physical neglect; and
             ner experience and learning to befriend what is   household challenges which included growing
             going on inside ourselves.”                       up in a household where there was substance
             Indeed, it is important to understand that as we   abuse, mental illness, domestic violence, paren-
             focus on the impact of developmental, chronic     tal separation/divorce or a household member
             and single-incident trauma, it is also true that   being incarcerated. The study showed a graded
             increasing evidence points to our capacity to re-  dose-response  relationship  between  early  ad-
             cover from emotional and psychic wounds. Da-      verse experiences and negative health and well-
             niel Amen and others have shown the resulting     being. The study has been repeated with very
             neurological  changes  that  result  after  under-  similar results in a range of populations within
             going trauma therapy such as EMDR. “Analyses      the United States.
             found significant functional differences in brain   Experiences  of  adversity  in  childhood  be-
             activity  from  pre-  to  post-EMDR  imaging.     come  ‘embodied’,  and  if  untreated  can  cause
             EMDR and the procedures involved with this        many  seemingly  unrelated  problems,  ranging
             treatment had both a positive clinical effect and   from chronic negative behavior patterns to se-
             a possible role in changing brain function.”      rious challenges related to physical and mental
             The plasticity of our brains corresponds to a spi-  health.  The  following  figure  summarizes  the
             ritual promise of renewal when we live in Christ   far-reaching, long-term consequences of early
             and develop more and more the capacity to em-     life adversity.
             body hope. Isaiah 40:31 states, “For those who

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