Page 100 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 12
P. 100

Roland Mahler (Switzerland)
             Comment to “The Courage                                Roland Mahler,
                                                                    Dr.,  Theologist,
             to be a Person“                                        Psychologist
                                                                    MSc,  Psycho-
                                                                    therapist  SPV,
             The  term  courage  is  used  by  Lorgus  as  an  exi-  was  the  Direc-
             stential keyword. Existentialism (in Kierkegaard’s     tor of the Insti-
             meaning?) is therefore the basic concept of all of     tute  of  Christi-
             his propositions.                                      an  Psychology,
             Human being is called for courage as an existential    Psychotherapy
             task to fulfill in order to run up to his own perso-   and   Educati-   on,  Switzerland,  www.
             nal self (with a reference to A.Längle’s analytical He is the author of “Gewissen und
             and  existential  understanding  of  terms  like  self   Gewissensbildung”  in  der  Psychotherapie
             or person) beyond all personal (Kelly) and social      (Conscience and Forming of Conscience in
             (Raskin) constructs that might keep him from be-       Psychotherapie),  2009  and  of  “Christliche
             coming himself. Courage to be and it’s four exi-       Soziale  Arbeit  –  Menschenbild,  Spiritua-
             stential outcomes provide the fundamental pillars      lität,  Methoden  (Christian  Social  Work  -
             of a creative and goal achieving life.                 Human Image, Spirituality, Methods), 2018
             As a reader the question arises wether it is enough    . From 1986 – 1998 he directed the thera-
             and fulfilling to look at a personale life just by it’s   peutic center Best Hope.
             existential  structures  and  dynamics.  What  about
             the essential values and meanings of creation and      Former articles by Roland you can see here:
             it’s «crown» the human being  Is there an essence
             (i.e.  faith)  to  destille  from  a  formal  existence  of
             things or man? Lorgus doesn’t make any attempt to
             pose or answer questions like these. But neverthe-
             less he gives quite some hints to a fitting response.
             Courage  and  it’s  existential  meanings  show  the
             problems and finally the impossibility of any diffe-  as an equivalent procedure of becoming one-
             rence between existence and essence as creational  self and that psychotherapy eventually reveals
             categories. Let me explain this. Courage is not the  (what life itself not always does so obviously!)
             essence of a personal life – obviously not. But it’s a  that the real self is often not what we expected
             instrumental value for all existing life to give itself a  or claimed to be. Courage to be means therefore
             meaning – in terms of a worldly fulfillment as well  the right to be what we really are – even when
             as in terms of an eternal spiritual reward. So exi-  we or others tend to deny this (by our personal
             stence is the essence of creational life for it means  or social constructs).
             the existence of a creator. The courage to be is the  Eventually I come to resume my inner debate
             responsive action of existence towards the creator.  with  Lorgus’  essay.  I  appreciate  the  clear  and
             That more ore less what Lorgus finds as one of his  conclusive points he makes to an existentially
             conclusions. The courage to be, though facultati-  transcendent human life. What struck me is the
             ve in itself, is the existential statement («Stellung-  necessity to enter this world alone by leaving all
             nahme» as Längle says) for personal responsabi-   kinds of childish dependency and delegation of
             lity, selfawareness, acceptance of the worldly cir-  responsability.  This  underlines  the  existential
             cumstances, development and change and last but  power of christian faith (Rom 14,4b). Therefore
             not least godly transcendence of human life (so I  the main task of christian psychotherapy (if not
             would interprete Lorgus’ propositions).           the church !) is to encouage individuals to leave
             What makes Lorgus’ considerations so helpful ot  what they meant to be an become truly free!
             only  for  philosophical  deliberations  but  also  for  I wrote a song the other day for a friend of mine
             psychotherapy is the fact, that the latter can be seen  called «Trust Yourself»

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