Page 34 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 9
P. 34

Shannon Wolf (USA)
                                                                  Shannon Wolf
             Therapeutic Goals in                                 (USA)      Ph.D.,
             Christian Counseling                                 fessional  Coun-
                                                                  selor,  Associate
                                                                  Professor,   Ma-

             Case Study                                           ster  of  Arts  in
             Anna, a 75 year-old petite woman, was full of        Counseling, Dal-
             energy and smiled almost constantly. She and         las  Baptist  Uni-
             her husband had recently celebrated their 57th       versity.
             wedding anniversary and the couple had three                     
             adult  daughters,  six  grandchildren,  and  two     Former  article  by  Shannon  you  can  see
             great-grandchildren.  When  she  spoke  of  her      here:
             family,  her  smile  grew  and  her  love  for  them
             was evident. Anna also described having a deep
             faith and some might have suggested that she      for her and stayed close by her side, attempting
             was a biblical scholar for she knew the Bible well   to offer comfort. When Anna asked to see a the-
             and had memorized much of its contents. Anna      rapist,  they  were  relieved.  Once  before,  Anna
             quietly stated the past 57 years were “wonder-    had attempted counseling to resolve her issu-
             ful”. She said that she has had a “good life.”    es surrounding her formative years before but
             Anna made an appointment to see a therapist       the experience was not a positive one and Anna
             following an upsetting phone call from one of     ended  counseling  prematurely.  This  time,  she
             her seven brothers. As Anna described the call,   wanted a Christian counselor – one who would
             she began to tearfully recount a childhood that   allow her to include her faith as she explored
             was very different from the family she and her    the horrors of her childhood.
             husband created. Her childhood was extreme-
             ly violent. Anna’s body carried numerous scars    Locating the Client
             of this violence. Some scars could not be seen.   In his book, Counsel of Heaven on Earth (Jones,
             Anna’s oldest brother, Henry, was cruel and see-  2006),  Dr.  Ian  Jones  likened  the  assessment
             med to have focused much of his brutality on      process to a forest. His metaphor included an
             his younger sister. He frequently beat her and    unknown forest with the patient lost within its
             on several occasions, he attempted to kill her.   boarders. Jones took this metaphor from Gene-
             From choking her until someone stopped him,       sis 3. Following the fall of man, Adam and Eve
             breaking her bones, cutting her with a knife and   hid themselves from the Lord. God responded
             even raping her, his violence knew no bounds.     by asking the couple “Where are you?” (Gen.
             Anna’s other brothers learned to fight back, but   3:9). For Jones, the therapist locating the pati-
             Anna, being so much smaller, learned to be a      ent within their forest also asks this question.
             peacemaker and when that didn’t work, to run.     Location includes the questions of “Where are
             Anna’s parents told her to fight back but didn’t   you in relationship to others?” “Where are you
             step in to stop the abuse. Anna attributed much   in  relationship  to  yourself?”  and  “Where  are
             of her parents’ neglect to an absence of any kind   you in relationship to God?”
             of faith. In fact, Anna’s parents denied that there
             was a God and taught their children that rules    The Problem
             were made to be broken.                           In Jones’ model, the wise therapist takes careful
             It was after an upsetting phone call from Henry   note of the terrain, observing areas of danger,
             that Anna began to relive the abuse. For weeks,   and mapping a path from where the patient is
             she  stopped  eating,  frequently  cried,  was  an-  to where they need to be with the first step in
             xious, and began having nightmares. Her hus-      the therapeutic process being determining and
             band and adult children were very concerned       fully understanding the problem that causes the

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