Page 32 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 9
P. 32

through constant change, through a process of     Finally, Strigo’s essay reminds me that my, per-
             ongoing  transcendence,  that  we  can  become    sonal,  restoration  is  never  found  “in  me”  but
             like the God Who is perfect and never changes     only “in Christ.” If I forget this, I risk plunging
             and in whose image we have been created. This     into  a  type  of  “madness”  that  is  spiritual  and
             constant change is also needed because, created   “not  directly  derivable  from  psychopathology,
             in the image of God, the person is a mystery      but rather supported and condoned by psycho-
             not only to the therapist but also to himself. As   pathology.” This I think is maybe the most valu-
             Strigo writes this means that person in his who-  able aspect of the article since it requires that we
             leness exists in “the domain of incommunica-      take seriously the moral and spiritual accounta-
             bilis.”                                           bility of the person even when he is struggling
                                                               with psychopathology.

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