Page 37 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 37

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

             the presence of God in life; it addresses the no-  the ministry of pastoral care superfluous. It is
             tion of meaning and the value or dignity of our   thus  of  paramount  importance  in  theory  for-
             being human.                                      mation to stick to the notion of pastoral care as
                                                               ‘soul care’ (German: Seelsorge; Afrikaans: siel-
             As qualitative term, soul should be interpreted   sorg). The combination between ‘soul’ (Hebrew
             within the framework of covenantal thinking.      nēphēsh;  Septuagint:  psuchē;  Latin:  anima),
             With reference to the Torah in Jewish thinking    care and cure, captures the core identity of ca-
             and wisdom thinking, the quality of one’s soul    regiving and can be rendered as the basic pro-
             is determined by the commandants and will of      position for a Christian approach to caregiving
             God as related to daily issues within the social   (Nauer 2010: 66-69); it keeps Christian identity
             and public sphere of life. The indicators for a   clear (H. Anderson in Nauer 2010:66).
             ‘qualitative soul’ are to love God as well as to   With this emphasis on the helping and saving
             love the neighbour, even the enemy. Hatred de-    actions of God, and the focus on ‘spirituality’
             stroys one’s soul. Thus the following statement:   and ‘wholeness’ in pastoral caregiving, one can
             one does not have a soul; one is one’s soul within   propose that ‘soul care’ implies much more than
             the networking dynamics of life.                  care for an ‘inner substance’. ‘Soul care’ refers to
                                                               care for the systemic dynamics of life; it cares
             In order to conclude:                             for the whole of our being human within the
             Human  soul  in  cura  animarum  refers  to  the   awareness of the value of human beings within
             quality of life as determined by the normative    the presence of a living God; it wants to promo-
             dimension in the wisdom tradition, namely the     te human dignity in all spheres of life.
             ethos of love and grace. A human soul reflects    A ‘good soul’ in this respect is then a wise hu-
             the will of God as defined by the Torah (the law   man being who acts according to his/her divine
             as the source of life) in wisdom thinking; the    ‘design’  or  calling  (sense  of  vocation).  Design
             human  soul  can  be  called  the  enfacement  of   does not mean a fixed plan but a vocation that
             God within the realm of human relationships.      brings about change wherein one acts as witness
             Psuché implies more than ‘inner spirit’; it refers   of  God’s  presence.  Good  refers  to  soulfulness
             to  human  conduct  and  disposition  (qualitati-  and an ethos of responsibility. In this respect,
             ve concept) as determined by an awareness of      it reflects the ‘spirit of life – the meaning and
             God’s presence and as qualified by the covenan-   destiny of life determined by wisdom thinking.
             tal love-principle of a sacrificial ethos of devo-  Good can be translated in New Testament ter-
             tion and obedience to the torah (exposition of    minology as ‘spiritual beauty’; a beauty that re-
             God’s will for meaningful living).                flects peace (shalom), harmony and integration.
                                                               Within the heritage of the Christian tradition
             What is then meant by ’soul care’?                of  hope,  the  spirituality  of  hope  is  connected
                                                               to what one can call the aesthetics of a human
             ‘Soul care’ within the realm of pastoral          spirit: “the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and
             theology                                          quiet spirit” (I Peter 3: 4). Spiritual aesthetics
             D.  Nauer  (2010)  emphasizes  the  plight  for  a   and the beauty of a human soul can be rende-
             clear and distinctive understanding of pastoral   red as an exemplification of the spirit of Christ.
             care within the field of the helping and healing   A Christian spirit of beauty is about gentleness.
             professions  with  reference  to  the  European   It display is a kind of sanctification, emanating
             context  of  a  much-secularised  society.  Nauer   from  justification  (the  indicative  of  salvation)
             (2010: 65-66) argues that even the current ten-   due to the following imperative: “But sanctify
             dency to exchange the notion of pastoral care     the Lord God in your hearts, and always be rea-
             with  the  moral  neutral  and  general  notion  of   dy to give a defence to everyone who asks you
             spiritual care, can rob caregiving of its unique   a reason (apologia) for the hope that is in you,
             connection with cura animarum. To merely re-      with meekness and fear” (I Peter 3: 15).
             fer to spiritual healing within processes of pro-  This  spirit  of  hope  is  connected  to  an  ethos
             fessionalization, is to run the danger of making   which  represents,  according  to  I  Peter  3:  16,

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