Page 85 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 85
Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology
they may not be beneficial with all Christian The Christian counselor must evaluate techni-
clients and Mutter wisely cautions us against ques carefully and not adopt them just because
using these techniques with clients who would there is empirical evidence that the techniques
feel uncomfortable using them. work. Mutter has shown how MBSR does not
line up with Christian beliefs. However, MBSR
Mutter brings up another concern in his article does not represent everyone who uses mind-
and that is whether it is appropriate to use spi- fulness techniques. There are approaches that
ritual practices to increase psychological well- use mindfulness techniques in ways that are
being. If that is the sole purpose the counselor supportive of Christian values. The Christian
introduces the spiritual practice then that is a counselor does not have to choose between
concern; however, if the goal is to also assist the mindfulness and the peace of Christ but instead
client in spiritual maturity, spiritual practices in understand the relationship between the two.
counseling are appropriate. Client’s motivation Mindfulness is a tool that may be beneficial for
to practice spiritual disciplines may at times be clients as they gain control over their thoughts.
more to relieve anxiety than spiritual growth The peace of God is transformative as it guards
but as they practice and encounter God, hearts our hearts and minds (Phil 4:7).
can be changed.