Page 84 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 84
Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology
Dana Wickers (USA)
A Response to
“Mindfulness or the
Peace of Christ by Kelvin
Mutter has written a well thought out article
regarding the use of Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction (MBSR) with Christian clients. He Dana Wicker (USA), PhD, Li-
makes an excellent point that empirical support censed Psychologist, is a Professor
of a technique is not enough to automatically of Psychology and Counseling at
recommend use with Christian clients but that Dallas Baptist University, Dallas
the technique must also be evaluated to deter- Texas. She also provides coun-
mine if it is consistent with Christian beliefs. seling at Impact Counseling and
He then points out several differences between Guidance Center, Arlington, Texas.
the worldview that informs MBSR and resulting
goals of MBSR and Christian belief. Kabat-Zinn
the founder of MBSR describes the essential
problems in living to be stress, anxiety, fear and to a technique. Mindfulness techniques should
panic (Kabat-Zinn, 1990, 2001). Mutter cor- not be used as an end in themselves but as
rectly points out that Christianity teaches that tools that supports goals that are in agreement
willful rejection of God is the essential problem with Christian values. There are several other
of life and that stress, anxiety and fear to be a therapeutic approaches that use mindfulness
consequence of the problem of sin. Wholeness techniques, one, Mindfulness-Based Cogni-
according to MBSR is a non-judgmental mind tive Therapy, integrates mindfulness techni-
that allows the individual to be in the present ques with cognitive behavioral therapy. The
and detached from destructive thoughts and reason for the use of mindfulness techniques
feelings. A Christian understanding of who- is to calm the mind so that so that the indivi-
leness is the divine regeneration of the person dual can switch focus from unhealthy negative
that begins at salvation. An additional point of thoughts to healthy thoughts. Complete healing
disagreement is the focus of MBSR which is an- only comes through a relationship with Christ
thropocentric and relies on the individual’s self- but the individual also has some responsibili-
efficacy while Christian meditation is focused ty. Paul admonishes us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to
on God and our relationship with Him. Mutter take our thoughts captive or gain control of our
makes a sound argument against using MBSR thoughts so that our thinking will be in agree-
based on differing views of the problem of man ment with Christ. Many individuals who are
and what constitutes wholeness. experiencing anxiety and fear report that their
thoughts seem to be spinning out of control and
However, just because MBSR has different they feel like they are captives of their thoughts
goals and purposes, does that mean that Chri- instead of the other way around. Psalm 46.10
stians should not use any mindfulness techni- tells us to “Be still, and know that I am God”
ques? Mutter cites Chesterton (1908) and Gnoli (NIV).Mindfulness techniques came be used to
(1953) who both believed it problematic to use still the mind and allow the person to have con-
spiritual practices from non-Christian traditi- trol over thoughts and focus. Then the person
ons even though the practices are similar due can practice meditation on God and his word.
to differences in meaning. This is the key, one While mindfulness techniques may be helpful,
must be careful in what meaning is attributed