Page 43 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 43
Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology
life/death, and order/chaos are prevalent in rit, to maintain the boundaries of sacred space
cultic texts. The tabernacle/temple contains through ordering and cleansing, and to expand
gradations of holiness; the five-zone model was the boundaries of sacred space through mis-
deemed the most helpful for conceptualizing sion. All of this is accomplished only through
grey zones and incorporating the periphery, the Spirit, and can be described in terms of the
associated with the wilderness, demons, death, cultic metaphors of cleansing, ordering, and
and chaos. Sacred space is threatened by sin setting boundaries. Their work is hindered by
and defilement, and there is a close relationship Satan, sin (which is systemic, dynamic, and or-
between sin, impurity, and the demonic. When ganic), and the powers, all existing in binary op-
categories of holiness are violated, there is a col- position to the Church. The Church functions
lapse of order and chaos ensues. Purity/order to renew creation, restore order, assign limits to
is maintained and restored through covenantal evil, and cleanse the cosmos.
obedience and ritual; for example, Yom Kippur A model for conceptualizing evil was inspired
involves sending sin to the realm of disorder/ by the sacred space approach to Creation, the
impurity, thus cleansing the cosmos. Yet Israel Cult, Christ, and the Church, as well as a broad
continues to sin, to turn away from the sacred metaphorical conception of evil. This model
center to the evil periphery. Prophets warn of was initiated by the sacred space of Eden and
retribution and offer hope of redemption, but the grey zone between it and the surrounding
evil persists. darkness/sea/evil/chaos, and was further re-
Consequently, prior to the advent of Christ, the fined by the Cultic conception of graded ho-
world is filled with evil; some people are even liness. It was found to apply to Christ and the
demonized. Christ bursts into the world as the Church as the new sacred space, although some
light in the darkness, the new sacred space, the boundaries were redefined (figure 8.2 illustrates
new creation, the new temple—the locus of the model’s progression).
divine-human relationship. He is authorized
by the Holy Spirit and announces the arrival of
the kingdom of heaven, which is holy, pure, and
dynamic. Jesus embodies sacred space, extends
it, and redefines it, emphasizing moral over ri-
tual impurity. In his ministry and death, Jesus
goes out from the center to cleanse and ree- Figure 8.2.
stablish boundaries on evil. He expels demons Development of a Model for Conceptualizing Evil
with a word, not with weapons of war. He sifts This model incorporates cosmic dualism, but
and sorts, separating demons and humans, and is not limited to it. The center is symbolized
then healing humans, restoring them to health; by light, life, purity, holiness, Christ, and the
Christ thus renews creation. Healing, cleansing, Church, and is filled with divine presence. All
and exorcisms are intertwined and can be seen other space is dependent on it. The periphery
as manifestations of creation. Finally, Jesus en- is symbolized by death, darkness, uncleanness,
ters the realm of death and overcomes it too in sin, and the demonic, and is characterized by
the “grand cosmic exorcism.” Humans are re- divine absence. However, there are buffer zones
sponsible for believing in Jesus; they are also between the extremes of holy and evil. Impor-
given authority over demons and disease. There tantly, all space is dynamic, holiness is graded,
is a complex relationship between divine grace, and it is difficult to distinguish between “zo-
human responsibility, and demonic influence. nes.” The middle zones allow for the extension
Followers of Christ are often symbolized by the of God’s grace. Experiential evil can be under-
Church. They are indwelt individually and cor- stood as a consequence of boundary violation;
porately by the Holy Spirit and can be viewed the evil periphery intruding into the grey zones.
as the new creation, the new temple, and the Space also involves actions. Whereas actions
new locus of divine-human interaction. The at Zone 1 (e.g., blessing) and Zone 5 (e.g., de-
Church has a threefold task: to walk by the Spi- monic affliction) are unidirectional, actions in