Page 189 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 189
The Work and Thinking of David Benner
David G. Benner
Brief Biographical Sketch
Dr. David G. Benner is an internationally at the intersection of psychology, philosophy,
known depth psychologist, wisdom teacher, theology and the perennial wisdom tradition.
transformational coach, and author whose life’s He writes for a popular readership in a style that
work has been directed toward helping people reviewers describe as thoughtful and engaging.
walk the human path in a deeply spiritual way David’s books reflect both his Christian faith
and the spiritual path in a deeply human way. and the fact that he holds his beliefs with hu-
His passion and calling has been the understan- mility as he journeys with those of any faith or
ding and pursuit of transformation – not merely none. Beyond his work in psychology and spi-
healing or even growth, but the unfolding of the rituality his other principal interests are sailing,
self associated with a journey of awakening. cycling, jazz, good food and soulful conversati-
on. David and his wife, Juliet, divide their time
After completing his Ph.D. in clinical psycho- between Toronto, Canada and Lima, Peru. He
logy at York University in Toronto and post can be found online at www.drdavidgbenner.
doctoral training at the Chicago Institute of ca, and his daily social media posts on walking
Psychoanalysis, David has held faculty appoint- the human path in a deeply spiritual way and
ments at York University, University of Toron- the spiritual path in a deeply human way can
to, McMaster University Divinity College, Re- be found on Facebook (
deemer University College, Wheaton College, DrDavidGBenner) and Twitter (https://twitter.
Psychological Studies Institute (Richmont Gra- com/drdavidgbenner).
duate University), the Centre for Studies in Re-
ligion and Society (University of Victoria), and
the Richard Rohr Center for Action and Con-
templation and has served as a visiting lecturer
Universities throughout Canada, USA, Euro-
pe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and
South East Asia.
David has authored or edited over 30 books that
have been translated into 19 foreign languages.
Each presents his signature approach to issues
photo from, used with permission