Page 126 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 126

Challenges for Christian Psychology

             anthropology, psychology, philosophy, different   fore, Durand’s AT.9 test (which will be descri-
             cultures, and religions, and found that human     bed later) not only provides the structures for
             activities  are  revealed  in  various  fundamental   assessing one’s category of the imaginary (he-
             structures of the imaginary. There lie the origin   roic,  mystical  and  synthetic),  but  also  offer  a
             of human culture, namely in a wealth of ima-      framework  to  assess  and  better  understand
             ges  and  symbols  that  continue  to  shape  ways   one’s  unstructured  category  of  the  imaginary.
             of thinking and relating. Durand (1960) found     In sum, the use of Durand’s theory of the ima-
             that structures of the imaginary may be identi-   ginary combined with Rizzuto’s theory on God
             fied as 1) “heroic” : this structure relates to sym-  image appears relevant to the study of the ima-
             bols that refer to fighting in battle, to victory, to   ginary and images of God among Vietnamese
             making a stand, to separating what is good from   immigrants living in Canada. This study pro-
             what is bad or evil. These symbols and images     poses that those Vietnamese immigrants whose
             refer to a heroic struggle as part of a daily life   imaginary falls in the synthetic category would
             spent countering the anxiety of time and the th-  most likely embrace a positive God image.  Ac-
             reat of death. Theheroic structure is commonly    cording to Wunenburger (2013), it offers a va-
             associated with the rigour of the rational thin-  luable heuristic potential to foster relevant ana-
             king; it is also concerned with the tendency to   lytical tools for intercultural studies. The next
             look for elevation and liberation; 2) “intimate or   section will further discuss on the AT.9 Test and
             mystical” : the symbols attached to this struc-   the Questionnaire of God Image.
             ture are more commonly associated with heart-
             felt ways of living: finding peace without turbu-  AT.9 Test
             lence; seeing everything as friendly, gentle and   Using  the  Anthropological  Structures  of  the
             peaceful;  life  is  warm  when  internalized,  like   Imaginary as basis, Yves Durand (2005) develo-
             good food that we absorb to nurture ourselves     ped an archetypal test comprised of a drawing
             (Xiberras, 2002. 3). Third category of the imagi-  that tells a story, using nine universal symbolic
             nary, called “synthetic” refers to a harmonious   elements (Durand, 2005) to measure the struc-
             integration between the above two categories.     tures  of  the  imaginary.  Practically  speaking,
             In fact, this third category of the imaginary can   this test uses a sheet of paper and a pencil wit-
             enable the two opposing structures (heroic and    hout an eraser; the participant is asked to draw,
             mystical) to achieve a healthy harmony while      and later, to compose a written narrative of the
             remaining in each other’s presence, instead of    drawing (i.e. “what happens in the drawing?”).
             excluding  the  other.  The  synthetic  category  is   Note that the AT.9 follows a strict protocol along
             revealed in one’s ability to overcome existential   with these instructions: “Tell a story by drawing
             fear with faith in the fullness of time and in fi-  the following elements: a fall, a sword, a refu-
             nal salvation (Xiberras, 2002, p. 94-95); it is also   ge, a devouring monster, something cyclical, a
             is found in several different cultural traditions   character, water, an animal, and fire” (Durand,
             and myths (monotheistic and polytheistic).        2005). Durand (2005) suggests that the above
             However, Durand (2005) indicates that if one      nine symbolic elements would: 1) bring forth
             of the two opposing structures (heroic or my-     the  problem  of  time,  death,  and  anguish  (i.e.
             stical) of the imaginary takes too much space     the fall and the devouring monster); 2) suggest
             at  another’s  expense,  then  an  unhealthy  sta-  tools to resolve anxiety: the sword, the refuge
             te develops and causes discomfort (i.e. mental    and/ or something cyclical (these archetypes re-
             illness,  social  discomfort,  conflicts).    In  other   spectively serve as the functional starting points
             words,  the  person’s  imaginary  could  come  to   for the heroic, mystical, duex and/or synthetic
             light in a „defective“ manner“. Furthermore, a    categories); and 3) serve as complements: the
             non- structuring category showed in one’s dra-    person’s role is to be the main actor in relation
             wing  and  storytelling  may  be  observed  with   with another eight elements.
             AT9  test  (Archetypal  test  with  nine  elements,   The  interpretation  of  the  AT.9  is  primarily
             Durand, 2005, p.11), which identifies the type    grounded on the manner in which the “drama-
             of  imaginary  an  individual  possesses.  There-  tic-design story” is organized, and secondly, on

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