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Church Traditions for a Christian Psychology

             Auxentios, H. (1982). “Notes on the Nature of God, the   Neamtu,  M.  (2009).  “The  Theologico-Political  Consti-
             Cosmos, and Novus Homo: An Eastern Orthodox Per-  tution of Monastic Liturgy.” In A. Pabst, & C. Schneider
             spective“.  In  A.  Chrysostomos,  Contemporary  Eastern   (Eds.), Encounter Between Eastern Orthodoxy and Radi-
             Orthodox  Thought  (pp.  1-17).  Belmont,  MA:  Norland   cal Orthodoxy (pp. 249-270). Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
             House Publishers.                                 Pontifical  Commission  on  Justice  and  Peace.    (2005).
             Chesterton, G. (1995). Orthodoxy. San Francisco: Igna-  Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching. Washington,
             tius Press.                                       DC:  USCCB  Communications.  Retrieved  from  http://
             Chrysostom, J. (2001). “The Gospel of Matthew, Homi-
             ly 20.3.” In M. Simonetti (Ed.), Ancient Christian Com-  tpeace/documents/rc_pc_justpeace_doc_20060526_
             mentary  on  Scripture  (New  Testament  Ia:  The  Gospel   compendio-dott-soc_en.html, accessed 11/20/13.
             of Matthew: Matthew 1-13, p. 142). Downers Grove, IL:   Schmemann, A. (1997). For the Life of the World: Sacra-
             InterVarsity  Press.Clark,  E.  A.  (1999).  Reading  Renun-  ments and Orthodoxy. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Se-
             ciation:  Asceticism  and  Scripture  in  early  Christianity.   minary Press.
             Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.        Seligman, M. E. (2002). Authentic Happiness: Using the
             Clément, O. (1982). Roots of Christian Mysticism: Texts   New  Positive  Psychology  to  Realize  Your  Potential  for
             from Patristic Era with Commentary. (O. T. Berkeley, &   Lasting Fulfillment. New York, NY: The Free Press.
             J. Hummerston, Trans.) Hyde Park, NY: New City Press.  Sherwood, P. (1942). St. Maximus the Confessor: The As-
             Cook, C. (2011). The Philokalia and the Inner Life: On   cetic Life, The Four Centuries on Charity. New York City:
             Passions and Prayer. Cambridge, UK: Clark & Co.   Paulist Press.
             Erikson, E. (1976). “Psychoanalysis and Ethics—Avowed   Solovyov, V. S. (1898/1918). The justification of the good;
             and Unavowed.” International Review of Psycho-Analy-  an essay on moral philosophy. (N. Duddington, Trans.)
             sis, 3, 409-414.                                  London, UK: Constable.
             Fagerberg, D. W. (2013). On Liturgical Asceticism. Wa-  Spidlik, T. S. (1986). The Spirituality of the Christian East:
             shington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.  A Systematic Handbook. (A. P. Gythiel, Trans.) Kalama-
             Hardy, E. R. (1954). Christology of the Later Fathers. (E.   zoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, Inc.
             R. Hardy, Ed., & A. Robertson, Trans.) Philadelphia: The   Staniloae, D. (2003). Orthodox Spirituality: A Practical
             Westminster Press.                                Handbook for the Faithful and a Definitive Guide for the
             Hibbs, T. S. (2012). Shows About Nothing: Nihilism in   Scholar. (J. Newville, & O. Kloos, Trans.) South Canaan,
             Popular Culture (2nd ed.). Waco, TX: Baylor University   PA: St. Tikhon‘s Seminary Press.
             Press.                                            Trader, A. (2011). Ancient Christian Wisdom and Aaron
             Justin Martyr, “The First Apology,” New Advent, availa-  Beck’s Cognitive Therapy. New York: Peter Lang Press.
             ble online:   van Kaam, A. (1966). Existential Foundations of Psycho-
             Accessed 12/29/13.                                logy. Garden City, NY: Image Books.
             Kristjánsson,  K.  (2013).  Virtues  and  Vices  in  Positive   van Kaam, A. (1985). Human Formation. New York, NY:
             Psychology: A Philosophical Critique. Cambridge, UK:   Crossroad Publishing Company.
             Cambridge University Press.                       Zizioulas,  J.  D.  (1985).  Being  As  Communion:  Studies
             London, P. (1964). The Modes and Morals of Psychothe-  in  Personhood  and  the  Church.  Crestwood,  NY:  St.
             rapy. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.  Vladimir’s Seminary Press.

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