Page 40 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 40

Empirical steps toward a Christian Psychology

             Matthias Schlagmüller (Germany)

             to „The Roles of Automatic and Conscious

             Thought in Worldview Consistency“

             Eric Jones concerns himself in his contribution
             with one of the central questions of the Christi-
             an faith, the progressive process of sanctificati-
             on – “how we become more like Jesus”.

             This is, according to Hebrews 12:14, a pre-con-
             dition „... in order to see the Lord“.

             If it is possible, as the Bible demands, for Chri-
             stians  “to  be  recognised  by  their  fruits”  (Mt.
             7:16),  they  should  then  be  distinguishable  in
             their behaviour from non-Christians.                         Matthias Schlagmüller (Germany)
                                                                          Psychologist,  PhD,  since  2000  tea-
             Studies  such  as  those  by  the  Barna  Group              cher at the IGNIS Institute. He is the
             (2009) show, however, that the divorce rate of               deputy  director  of  studies,  teaches
             born-again  Christians  is  exactly  as  high  as  in        social psychology, learning and me-
             the  total  population  (33%).  Although  the  di-           mory,  diagnostics,  and  supervises
             vorce rate among the „evangelical Christians“,               research work.
             with 26%, lies under this figure, the divorce rate
             among the US population of Asian extraction is
             substantially lower, with 20%.

             With the help of a small survey questionnaire     In the ensuing discussion, Jones points out how
             distributed to 155 students, Jones attempts to il-  important it would be to carry out similar inve-
             luminate a constituent aspect of the question of   stigations on a larger and more representative
             sanctification, namely: When do Christian va-     sample, in order to obtain more precise indica-
             lues become so internalised that they influence   tions of how the sanctification process develops
             action and thinking completely automatically?     and  whether  Christian  ideas  are  in  fact  more
             His hypothesis is that, with a relatively young   deeply anchored in older persons.
             sample (average age 23.4 years) of 155 students
             at  a  Christian  College,  the  process  of  sancti-  Jones  takes  up  one  further  important  point,
             fication  is  not  yet  so  advanced,  and  the  areas   namely the difficulty of investigating the sanc-
             of the brain whose operation is rather uncons-    tification  process  empirically  at  all,  since  this
             cious/automatic  are  not  sufficiently  moulded   process is also influenced by the fact that “…
             by Christian ideas, that any correlation should   God chose you as firstfruits to be saved through
             be expected between these ideas and the satisf-   the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through
             action with life assessed in the survey. Only if   belief in the truth“ (2. Thess. 2:13).
             the Christian ideas are deliberately activated in
             the experimental group should a correlation be    Another problem connected with the question
             detectable.  The  data  from  the  study  supports   of the sanctification process is: To what extent
             Jones’  hypothesis  that  no  far-reaching  change   is the process promoted primarily by an increa-
             in  the  (automatic)  thinking  processes  has  yet   se in knowledge, e.g. from reading the Bible, or
             taken place.                                      whether motivational processes might not have

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