Page 114 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 114

The Society for Christian Psychology

             approach: there is one main article on a certain   emphasis, as we try to answer this question on
             topic, followed by six to ten responses by wri-   our  IGNIS  website:  can  psychology  be  Chri-
             ters from different traditions, and then, again,   stian?  Does  Christianity  need  psychology?  Is
             the first author will give his answer to these ans-  there only one Christian psychology? And do
             wers. As you can see, the journal also promo-     we still need a Christian psychology in our mo-
             tes the dialogue between Christian theologians,   dern, globalized word? I would be curious to
             philosophers, and psychologists.                  hear your answers.

                                   E.  Johnson:  First  of  all:  yes,  of  course,  we  do
                                                               need a Christian psychology. Every well-deve-
             Alan Tjeltveit suggested that we should use the   loped  world-view  community  will  have  their
             term “transdisciplinary” to express our empha-    own approach to understanding and exploring
             sis  on  the  dialogue  between  disciplines,  and   human  beings,  whether  Marxism,  Humanism
             therefore our journal is now called: Edification:   – or Christianity. And, of course, I have often
             The Transdisciplinary Journal of Christian Psy-   been asked questions about our understanding
             chology.                                          of a Christian psychology, and I would like to
             And,  talking  about  publications,  I  would  also   summarize my answer by quoting parts of our
             like  to  mention  “Foundations  for  Soul  Care”,   website.
             published in 2007. In this book, I diligently ex-
             plain  many  of  the  basics  that  are  relevant  for   Many people today believe that psychology ori-
             Christian soul care and psychology.               ginated in the 1800′s. However, every develo-
                                                               ping culture has some understanding of the na-
         ture of human beings. If we define psychology
                 uploads/2013/07/scp_publications.png          simply  as  the  disciplined  study  of  individual
                                                               human beings, then versions of psychology can
             A. May: That reminds me of another book, Psy-     be found in many cultures, some rather ancient,
             chology  and  Christianity:  Four  Views,  which   and in the great writings of human civilization.
             you edited with Stanton Jones in 2000, and in a   Christian psychology began in the Scriptures of
             second revised edition as Psychology and Chri-    the Hebrews and early Christians. Later, Chri-
             stianity: Five Views in 2010. Both editions are   stian  thinkers  and  ministers  throughout  the
             again in the form of a dialogue: First, one author   ensuing centuries developed many understan-
             explains his concept of relating Christianity to   dings of human beings, using the Bible as a ca-
             psychology (different levels of explanation – in-  non or standard for reflection. As a result, the
             tegration - Christian psychology - biblical coun-  history of Christian thought contains countless
             seling - and, fifth, transformational psychology)   works  of  psychological  import  that  offer  the
             and then the others answer, telling about their   Christian  community  a  rich  treasure  of  in-
             agreements and disagreements. It helped me a      sights,  themes,  and  foundational  assumptions
             lot to understand the different standpoints in a   upon which to ground the project of a Christian
             better way and get an idea of the variety we even   psychology.
             find within each of these views.
             From  all  what  you  have  said  so  far,  I  would   At  the  same  time,  Christians  need  not  assu-
             summarize that the first ten years of the Society   me that our tradition currently contains all of
             for Christian Psychology were marked by publi-    God’s knowledge regarding human beings. On
             cations and by conferences, and by networking,    the contrary, we have good reasons to believe
             bringing scholars together and inviting them to   that God intends humans to grow in their cul-
             dialogue.                                         ture and knowledge, and develop sciences that
                                                               explore God’s creation. Science is a gift of God,
             Being  a  networker,  you  have  certainly  come   and Christians have been in the forefront of sci-
             across one question fairly often: what actually   entific investigation since the inception of the
             is a Christian psychology? Or, with a different   scientific revolution in the West. The problem

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