Page 113 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 113

The Society for Christian Psychology

             E. Johnson: We did not send it to anybody. At     grounds to promote the dialogue between more
             that time, we neither had a mailing list nor a    academic and more practical orientated propo-
             lot of members of the society. We just delivered   nents of Christian psychology. I personally li-
             the newsletter at conferences or in our personal   ked that very much, but we got feedback that
             environment. I think there must be still some     the different levels were very confusing to some
             copies left, maybe we can sometime hand them      of  the  participants.  They  could  not  find  the
             to a museum…                                      common topic and missed personal relevance
                                                               in  the  contributions  of  theologians,  philoso-
             A. May: … unless all our readers want to get      phers,  academic  psychologists,  and  practical
             a  copy  now.  But  how  did  you  continue  after   psychotherapists and counselors.
             this  first  newsletter?  Could  you  please  tell  us
             more about some of the important steps of the     Therefore,  we  decided  to  have  conferences,
             10-years history of your society?                 which are more counseling and psychotherapy
                                                               orientated along with the AACC conferences,
             E.  Johnson:  There  were  some  more  newslet-   and separate conferences with academic topics.
             ters … An important step to a higher degree of    The first one was about human agency in 2010
             recognition was when Diane Langberg, a psy-       and another about Christian positive psycholo-
             chologist  and  psychotherapist  of  our  starting   gy in 2012. Even at these conferences, we rea-
             group,  approached  Tim  Clinton  at  an  AACC    lized that academic theologians, philosophers,
             conference  and  asked  him  whether  we  could   and  psychologists  still  have  difficulties  in  un-
             join AACC, the American Association of Chri-      derstanding one another. We are not used to co-
             stian Counselors. He agreed and so we became      operating, we do not know more than our own
             the 10th division of this large organization with   language, our specific thinking traditions, me-
             about 50000 members. This means that we are       thods, concepts. Even if we talk about the same
             listed on their website, that we are represented   topic, we have a very different approach.
             at their annual conferences, and that we can get
             financial support for our publications.           Nevertheless,  I  am  very  encouraged,  because
             In 2005, we had our first own conference as a     we  are  enriched  by  crossing  disciplinary  bor-
             pre-conference of the AACC conference, with       ders  and  listening  to  one  another,  and  it  is  a
             for  example  Diane  Langberg,  Stephen  Evans,   helpful  challenge  to  find  ways  of  getting  our
             Robert  Roberts,  and  myself,  and  with  guest   ideas across. Before our second conference, we
             speakers from Germany.                            advised all our speakers to be aware that they
                                                               would speak to an audience from different dis-
                                                               ciplines and therefore should try to be as close
                                                               as possible to a language that everybody could
                                                               understand – and it went better than before, not
                                                               perfect yet, but we are learning.

                                                               A. May: And what about the times between the
                                                               conferences? What else do you offer to people
                                                               interested in Christian psychology?

                                                               E. Johnson: I have not mentioned yet, that, besi-
                                                               des our newsletter – now called Soul & Spirit –
                                                               we also have our own journal, Edification. Sin-
                                                     2005      ce 2007, we have been editing two issues a year.
                                                               This was possible when Paul Watson und Timo-
             Since that time we have had more good confe-      thy Sismore agreed to work as editors. So far, we
             rences. We first tried to have mixed conferences   have had 12 issues with very good articles, and
             with speakers from various professional back-     the structure of the journal corresponds to our

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