Page 107 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 107

Church Traditions for a Christian Psychology

             The importance of relationship. Much of the
             damage sin causes to our souls comes through
             our human relationships. And much of the he-
             aling God provides also comes through human
             relationships.  Tending well to the therapeutic
             relationship is a primary task for the Christian
             We humans are lonely because sin has separated
             us from God’s Presence, and as a consequence
             we have also become estranged from ourselves
             and one another. As we offer ourselves as wil-
             ling channels, God’s mercy shines through the
             therapeutic relationship. This merciful Presence
             enables our patients to begin to dare to know              Sarah Groen-Colyn, PhD in Clinical
             themselves.  Relationship  with  the  true  self  is       Psychology, MA in Christian Leader-
             restored and integrated as we support our pati-            ship  (Fuller  Seminary,  accredited  by
             ents in coming out of the bent position and let-           the  American  Psychological  Associa-
             ting go of the false self that flees from the truth        tion). She is the Director of Ministries
             of our brokenness and our need for God.  “To               of  Pastoral  Care  (http://ministriesof-
             know ourselves at all is to begin to be healed of and the founder of
             the effects of the Fall.”  (HP p. 58)
                                                                        Sanctuary Psychological Services. She
                                                                        will have the pleasure serving with the
             Conclusion                                                 Ministries  of  Pastoral  Care  team  in

                                                                        Germany in October, 2014, when the
             There are many important aspects of Leanne’s               NIS  Netzwerk  (http://www.nis-netz-
             work that shape the counseling process, which     is offering a seminar to share
             I have not written about in this article (such as          Leanne’s  work  with  Christian  coun-
             the  healing  of  the  schism  between  head  and          selors and ministry leaders.
             heart, and between the masculine and femini-     
             ne  virtues;  forgiveness  of  sin,  self-acceptance,
             and receiving of forgiveness; renouncing false
             gods; symbolic confusion and same-sex attrac-
             tion; the disease of introspection; and sense of
             being).  My prayer is that what I have shared
             here will strengthen your desire to know more
             of God’s healing presence in your own life and
             counseling practice.  I am grateful for brothers   References
             and sisters around the world who are seeking a    Payne, L. (1981). The broken image: restoring personal
             truly Christian understanding of what it is to be   wholeness through healing prayer. Westchester, Ill.: Cor-
             human and how God heals our souls and rela-       nerstone Books.
             tionships.  Praise God that, in Him, our beco-    Payne, L. (1985). Crisis in masculinity. Westchester, Ill.:
             ming never stops.                                 Crossway Books.
                                                               Payne, L. (1991). Restoring the Christian soul through
                                                               healing  prayer:  overcoming  the  three  great  barriers  to
                                                               personal  and  spiritual  completion  in  Christ.  Wheaton,
                                                               Ill.: Crossway Books.
                                                               Payne, L. (1995). Real presence: the glory of Christ with
                                                               us and within us. Grand Rapids, MI: Hamewith Books.
                                                               Payne, L. (1995). The healing presence: curing the soul
                                                               through Union with Christ. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker
                                                               Payne,  L.  (19951994).  Listening  prayer.  Eastbourne:

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