Page 102 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 102
Church Traditions for a Christian Psychology
When we consistently do this, the miracle of On this matter of the power and authority God
seeing by faith is given. We begin to see with intends us to wield in ministering to the woun-
the eyes of our hearts.” (Healing Presence, p. ded, sick and oppressed, Leanne offers pro-
26) fessional counselors penetrating clarity. “The
concept of listening to God and moving in the
We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is power and authority He gives to heal is stran-
unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what gely alien to many modern Christians. They
is unseen is eternal (2 Cor 4:18). have become dependent upon medical science
for their healing needs, and upon the secular
Leanne refers to several writers who inspire us (both rational and occult) psychologies and
in this lifestyle of practice, including Andrew therapies devised for gaining personal whole-
Murray, Oswald Chambers, Frank Laubach, ness… If he is to move in God’s power and au-
Mother Theresa, C. S. Lewis, and Brother Law- thority, the servant of the Lord must know that
rence. As we steadily direct our wills to the rea- even the best wisdom of the day is insufficient.
lity of God with us, moment by moment, day It cannot fully grasp the mystery of the human
by day, year by year, our eyes are opened to In- spirit, soul, and body. Looking to God and li-
carnational Reality. Our greatest vocation is to stening to Him is essential” (Healing Presence
live constantly in our Father’s presence, to be p. 44-45). There are vices and sins that can stop
obedient to His will. The most important thing us from learning to counsel with this prayerful
I can do for my patients is to continually fix my power. Sloth blocks disciplined efforts to grow
eyes on God, to worship and obey Him because more skillful in prayer. Pride and unbelief leave
of who He is. It is as important to my patients us wanting “to bring healing or to help peop-
that I do that when I wake in the dark of night, le through our own cleverness, apart from de-
when I am driving carpool, when I am sick in pendence upon God” (Healing Presence p. 46).
bed, when I am laughing with friends, as when And counselors are certainly not immune to
I am sitting with them in our counseling room. the divisiveness that can afflict Christians. “The
Practicing God’s presence is not a healing me- Holy Spirit is seriously grieved by our disunity
thod I can start to apply when a patient’s needs and absents Himself. We are no longer abiding
become dire. It is a way of life, a way of being. in Christ” (Healing Presence p. 50).
A person of spiritual power and authority. Becoming the true self. When we choose to
“The power to heal and to be healed is availab- live in Incarnational Reality, to live by practi-
le because God Himself is in our midst” (He- cing God’s Presence, this also causes us to prac-
aling Presence, p. 35). Our access to this power tice the presence of our own true self. I believe
is through the Cross of Christ. God reached that it is through the person of the therapist
this dying world with His love through Christ’s that much of God’s transforming power will
perfect obedience to the will of the Father. God be ministered to the patient in the process of
will minister through us as we make ourselves counseling. Becoming our true selves in Christ,
available to Him through listening obedience. then, is an important job requirement (as well
By practicing in this way we give up the safe di- as being highly desirable for more personal re-
stance of a professional persona and must aban- asons!). “We are becoming persons. You are not
don ourselves to trust in God. Clearly this is not who you will be. I am not, by the grace of God,
an approach to counseling that can be learned who I will be” (Broken Image, p. 137).
in a continuing-education seminar or put on
when one arrives at the office. This is a way of You were taught, with regard to your former way
life and must be pursued with one’s entire being. of life, to put off your old self, which is being cor-
“With Christ as our supreme example, we learn rupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in
to stop speaking our own unaided wisdom and the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new
instead seek and find the mind of God” (HP p. self, created to be like God in true righteousness
41). and holiness.
Eph 4:22-24